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Tropers / Matthew Wayne

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Description here is a work-in-progress, since I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing here.

Hey, what's up? I'm a music/sound design college student who's been a frequent visitor of this place since the glory days of YouTube back in the late 2000s and early 2010s when I was obsessed with Let's Players of that era. I guess I decided to become a troper myself sometime in 2014, as I've been here ever since. My editing style is admittedly quite random and inconsistent; I tend to do things at my own pace since my general goal here is to have fun above all else.

My interests vary from Nintendo, the film side of Marvel, Star Wars, The Slender Man Mythos, various people on YouTube, obscure web horror stuff, Wes Anderson, a few old movies/shows...and whatever catches my interest at the current moment. I also have a huge list of musicians I enjoy, which you can find in the folder below.

If anyone is interested in my own artistic stuff, I have a Bandcamp account here (albeit under a different name). Might add more links if I see it fit to add them.

That's all I got for now. Hope I didn't bore ya too much.

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