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Tropers / Ezclee 4050

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Male, survivor of The '80s, works in broadcasting, more of a music geek (60s music specifically) than anything else. Totally stumbled onto TV Tropes by accident back in '09. Pretty much I just add examples as they occur to me. I like being informative and dryly sarcastic at the same, so my entries are maybe a little more wordy and and less breezy than most. It's really fun to come up with good Real Life examples of fictional tropes, but I sometimes have a tendency to think of ones that are a real stretch.

I write as a hobby. I've posted three novels and a short story on Wattpad; one was shortlisted for the 2021 Wattys. Also do some photography on the side.

As you can see from the list of the pages I've created, my tastes have a wide range (I've been known to edit an entry on Cool Cat Saves the Kids, immediately followed by an edit on an Ozu film, sooo...).

Pages I have started...

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