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Tropers / Duckluck

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Note: if you got to this page from Shameless Self-Promoter, that page is a joke and no I'm not really that arrogant. Now bow before your god, lowly one.

I'm just another editor on the Wiki and read it daily. Sometimes I correct grammar and punctuation errors or Ideological Screed I stumble across. I add meaningful content too, but less frequently. Mostly, I just make comments on Discussion pages.

I've also written a fair number of tropes in the year I've been here including: Offstage Waiting Room, A Darker Me, Left-Fielder and several more Online Personas. I'm particularly fond of Shameless Self-Promoter though, as it's the only page of mine that is Made Of Win. Also, how often do you get to write an entire page about how great you are and have people love you for it?

As of May, 2009, I've just returned from being AWOL for about six months. Hopefully things haven't changed too much.
