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Tropers / Doopy

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You can come up with any nickname for me you want

Doopy (Doo*liss)

Lake Powell (rhymes/sounds like my real name; entire tennis team calls me this)

Pumpkin (...)

Zest (a friend I met as a freshman though my name was boring)

Barack (same friend told me he'd name me whoever got elected that year)

Lee-san (weird friend of mine she is, said I looked like Lee on Naruto, and now she's called me this for a long time)

"Protago Nist" Prota-Chan (It stuck)

onpyh (my youtube name; no significance, it's just unpronounceable)

I hail from the Land of Enchantment

I'm a high school student who's interested in anime, Japan in general, video games, TV Tropes, piano, tennis, good music, movies,


height: 6-ish

weight: 150 lbs.

hair color: dark brown

eye color: brown again

Tropes that describe me (as pointed out by numerous people I know and myself)
