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Tropers / Clancy Gardener

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Good day, my dear fellow. Welcome to my troper page. It may be humble, but it's home. You can call me ClancyGardener, or "Clancy" for short.

I am a young adult male currently living in California. I like science fiction, movies and furries — I'm also rather introverted, but I'm on the Internet, so you'd probably not notice. I first found TV Tropes in the year 2016, but only became a troper in 2020. I can generally be found in the Forums, usually in Forum Games.

Again, I'm fairly new to being part of the website, so expect this page to change a bit as time goes on.

I'm on this site virtually every day, so feel free to message me any time.

Tropes That Apply to Me (I Suppose)

  • The Anti-Nihilist: My personal philosophy. Even if there's no God and no higher meaning, that just means that you have to define your own existence yourself.
  • Fanboy: Of comic books, Marvel Comics especially.
  • Fleeting Passionate Hobbies: I have a tendency to develop a sudden interest in some subject (vampire fiction, genetic engineering, etc.), and then lose interest and move on to something else.
  • The Movie Buff: Very much so, yes. It's something I get from my dad.
  • Neat Freak: I very much like everything to be in order.
  • Nightmare Fetishist: Not too much so, but I do have an interest in things others might find a little... off-putting — Body Horror, mental disorders, and other such unpleasantness.

Tropes I've Launched

My Favorite Tropes

    Idealism Tropes 

    Science Fiction Tropes 
