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You have reached the page of Alyss Baraen/Kigurou-Enkou! There's not much here, since the last time I edited this page it was kinda full of garbage. I'm still leaving my old folder up for archive purposes.

Follow my (actually active) DeviantArt here. For tropes of my characters, refer to the character page of The Crossroad

     The Author (OUTDATED) 

Kigurou Enkou / Kumiko Fujimoto
A Plain Writer...
...or a SurReal Writer

Uh, yeah, that's me alright. Since you decided to go beyond the basics, I might as well tell you more about myself.

As you can already guess, I am a fan of various anime and gaming...stuff. The likes of mine that my comics crossover with the most besides Touhou are Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Sound Horizon, though expect a few other works to appear from time to time. I am fond of the Rule of Drama and the use of it in my comics (CORRECTLY, of course), but they are not devoid of humour.

Something that has become a staple in my stories recently is that I am a sort of Physical God, specifically, a Surrealm Writer. Surrealm Writers are basically what we DON'T see of writers. Those stories they write on paper? They are creating new universes every single time an idea is written down. The story you call 'fiction' becomes 'reality'.

Being the huge Troll that I am, sometimes, I sometimes enter my OWN stories under the alias 'Kumiko Fujimoto'. Alyss, in particular, seems to be very aware that I'm the writer, and seems to be attracted to the idea that I am an asshole.

Enough Wall of Text! Time for Tropes!
