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The Sociopath / James Bond

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Most of the villains that James Bond faces are cunning but insane and homicidal maniacs to begin with, as they claim that they're Well-Intentioned Extremists to begin with, but are actually only motivated by Greed while maintaining a superficial charm, and some are even willing to kill countless innocents for their own selfish gain, all without a shred of guilt or remorse.

Franchise-wide/Multiple films:

Individual films:

  • Auric Goldfinger is willing to kill 60,000 people and cause economical chaos in the West for his own profit. When Bond mentions the potential death toll of Goldfinger's plan, Goldfinger just shrugs and remarks "American motorists kill that many every two years".
  • The Spy Who Loved Me: Karl Stromberg clearly doesn't care for humanity anymore, thinking it should be destroyed and then restarted in the ocean.
  • Moonraker: Hugo Drax plans to Kill All Humans via a Deadly Gas to replace them with a superior race of people he sees as the perfect specimens. He is Faux Affably Evil, but it does nothing to hide how grimy he is. And his plans show that he has a massive god-complex.
  • Octopussy: General Orlov is an unhinged brute and maniac to boot, he isn't bothered by the fact that his intended bombing of a US base will kill thousands of civilians and trigger World War III.
  • A View to a Kill: Max Zorin fits the bill of one: Lack of Empathy, Faux Affably Evil, Trigger-Happy, Ax-Crazy, Put the "Laughter" in "Slaughter", and For the Evulz. Part of this is because he's the product of a Nazi eugenics program, in which pregnant women were injected with steroids in an attempt to create "super-children" for the Nazis. The few babies that survived became totally insane psychopaths, partly because of the drugs administered to create these "super-babies".
  • Licence to Kill: Franz Sanchez show Ax-Crazy tendencies with his fondness for dealing with people he doesn't like in brutally sadistic ways such as feeding them to sharks. Despite this, he registers no emotion while doing so. He can be charming, but it does not hide his inherent sadistic personality beneath.
  • GoldenEye: Xenia Onatopp takes a disturbing amount of glee in the carnage she creates all while acting playful about it. Her sadomasochistic sexual proclivities, coupled with her overall lack of conscience and murderous glee in killing innocents, would seem to qualify her as an insane psychopath. She was even a Sociopathic Soldier as an ex-Soviet fighter pilot.
  • Tomorrow Never Dies: Elliot Carver plans to incite World War III to boost his news company's ratings. The deaths of innocent people and throwing the world into nuclear war is merely a way to gain exclusive broadcasting rights in China for the next century. He is superficially charming and able to play both sides in the conflict between Britain and China. Committing murder is as easy as breathing for him, and he openly submits to the idea that If It Bleeds, It Leads and takes it to his logical conclusion.
  • Quantum of Solace: Dominic Greene manipulates General Medrano to install his own dictatorship and is willing to control the water supply of Bolivia for his own fortune. He is willing to kill people for some things as simple as seeing him in the wrong place and fondly remembers assaulting a childhood crush for insulting him. He does the same to his lover Camille and shows glee at the idea of sending her to Medrano to be raped and murdered. He shows the same indifference to his own men when Bond kills them.
  • Spectre: Max Denbigh, aka "C", is an arrogant SOB. He doesn't care for anyone except himself, believes his surveillance idea is the future, and throws rude statements to anybody who criticizes him. He's so deluded and self-righteous that he's willing to bring his dream to fruition without regard as to who may get killed or maimed in the staged terrorist attacks he's conducted on behalf of Blofeld.
