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The Mole / Webcomics

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  • In SwordCat Princess, Arayna is called in as a healer for the injured Julia, but was already secretly working for MacKnight, in disguise as Silver Smiley. She did so to help him create a "World Without Death", to make sure her sister Kathryn could never find a permanent death so she would definitely never die.
  • In Bob and George, Dr. Wily, not that it's hard to tell if you try.
  • In Blue Yonder, the villain boasts of having so many as to make fighting him impossible.
  • Drive (Dave Kellett): Orla O'Malley is part of La Familia. Nobody in-universe knows this but La Familia. And it's actually worse than that: Orla's not Familia, she's part of the Jinyiwei, the Empire's secret police.
  • Jesse in Fans! was revealed to be the mole; his real name is Jesspin, and he is loyal to the time-traveling conquer General Maximilianna. Subverted in that Jesse still exists as a secondary personality within Jesspin and is loyal to AEGIS. When Jesspin told "Jesse" that no one would believe that he wasn't a traitor, "Jesse" answered, "That's what will make this fun. I do my best work in the dark."
  • Forestdale: One of the roles assigned to players in the Forestdale snowball war is 'the spy'. There are three on each team who are secretly working for the other side with the goal of undermining the opposing team's efforts and nobody knows who they are. Racheal Kendricks turns out to be one of said spies and takes advantage of her brother's trust to trick him into revealing the location of his team's flag, allowing her to score the victory.
  • Wooster, Gil's loyal companion in Girl Genius, turns out to be a mole from Britain. Unfortunately for him, the one he was spying on knows. That's why he made sure to keep him close, so he can keep an eye on him.
    • A more dangerous Mole was Rovainen, when it turns out that he is a revenant.
  • Irregular Webcomic!, here. Although in this case, it doesn't actually apply to this comic.
    • Also, Dr. Ginny Smith.
  • In Mortifer, William Aussek, the newly appointed leader of the local supernatural law enforcement, is revealed to be Magnificent Bastard Joey Von Krause in disguise. A more straight example would be Matthew, who is revealed Post Time Skip to be informing on Joey to Vlad Hynner — Matthew's pissed at Joey for more or less relegating him to desk work, preventing him from venting his Psycho for Hire tendencies. Also, it's revealed that Alyce was working for Vlad the whole time as a double agent.
  • The High Priest of Hel in The Order of the Stick does this very effectively, due to the fact that he's a vampiric spirit inhabiting Durkon's body. The deception is revealed to the reader very quickly, but the characters don't catch on until it's almost too late.
  • In an early Sluggy Freelance arc, Riff is revealed to have been acting as a mole for Hereti-Corp since before the series began, albeit unintentionally.
    • And in the "Phoenix Rising" storyline "Nash Straw" turns out not to be an investigative reporter, but an assassin the Canadian Mafia hired to kill Oasis.
    • Riff's girlfriend Monica is actually a K'Z'K worshipper sent to spy on the main characters by Chilus.
    • In the "Research and Development Wars" arc, it is revealed that Sasha has been a Hereti-Corp spy all along.
    • Torg's purpose for joining the Minion Master in the first place, not to mention the various supervillain organizations he infiltrates.
    • Possibly Dr Schlock's motive for taking over Heretti-Corp; in spite of Becoming the Mask he does keep the villainy minimized, and feels regret for the damage he's responsible for.
  • String Theory (2009): JayJay tells the warden about the explosives in order to lighten his sentence.
  • unOrdinary: Terrance joined Wellston in order to spy on potential victims and "recruits" for Spectre. He later joined Safe House, a club designed to keep people safe regardless of their power tier and facilitate friendships between members of different tiers, so that he could help Spectre attack high tiered members by leading them into ambushes and holding low tiered members hostage. His ability makes him a particularly effective spy since he can turn invisible and his recorded tier is lower than his true one misleading people into underestimating what he can do with his ability.
  • Weak Hero:
    • Myles Joo's excommunication from the Yeungdeungpo Union was a subject of much mystery for the first two seasons. The third season finally reveals the reason behind it; after the Union took down the Manwol Gang, Myles secretly made some deals with the surviving strains of Manwol which put him into conflict with the Union, and led to Donald kicking him out.
    • After being humiliated by Eunjang and screwed over by Donald, Jimmy also sides himself with Myles and the Manwol gang while pretending to still be loyal to Donald and the Union. Donald being Donald, Jimmy is extremely paranoid that he somehow knows about the betrayal.
  • YU+ME: dream : Ever since Sadako entered the storyline readers were not sure exactly who she was or what her relation to Lia was. When the big Drama Bomb hits, it becomes more apparent who Sadako is.
