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The Evils Of Free Will / Fan Works

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The Evils of Free Will in Fan Works.

  • Akko Kagari Universe: After years of attempting to create peace between the humans & Demi-Humans and failing due to the rampant bigotry, The Great Witch Jennifer seeks to use the Claiomh Solais to destroy all individuality and bring all of mankind under one mind.
  • Code Prime:
    • Schneizel gives this rationale as why he's aiding the Decepticons. In his view, humanity is driven by conflict and other self-destructive behaviors as a result of their very nature, and under Decepticon rule, everyone will be equal (or equally worthless, as Gino puts it), and they can bring order.
    • In R2, Megatron and Shockwave come to have this view for all sentient beings, and are creating the Neo-Ragnarok plan, based off Charles and V.V.'s original Ragnarok plans, to erase this by making all living beings part of a Hive Mind controlled by Megatron.
  • Discussed in Stardust, where Discord states in chapter 31 that the reason the Elements of Harmony won't work against the alien invaders is because they adhere to their own twisted sense of Order. In the same chapter, he also states that he believes Celestia will fall into this line of thinking if he "released her".


  • Sporadic Phantoms deals heavily with the Sharing, which is a very cultlike organization covertly run by Yeerks who can take humans as hosts involuntarily, but like to recruit "voluntary" hosts who agree to be infested. Be You Now is a program within it involving yogalike stretches and a social expert telling people that the desire to be in control of their own lives, which they so often think will bring them happiness, blocks them from being their true selves, and that they have to give up on making choices in order to be authentic and truly happy. It's all part of priming them for the Yeerk. She's very displeased when one of her participants mentions that the course has made him feel freer to try creative pursuits - an individualistic practice that would give him more of a life outside of the Sharing - and guilts him into tears and promising to give music up.


  • Discussed in Angel of the Bat. According to Jesus (or maybe just a hallucination of him Cassandra saw), evil exists because people have the ability to choose to commit evil acts. While that does happen, he also claims that it is mankind's capacity and preference of doing good that makes him so proud.


  • In Hellsister Trilogy, Darkseid declares Free Will is the root of all ills in the universe, and everything would work properly if everyone just did his bidding unquestioningly.
    "The problem has always been that life is too random. If you give a man free will, what does he do with it? If you believe the Earth legends, he goes and bites a fruit he was told not to eat on pain of death. You can kill him, and you probably do. But does that stop other men from biting the fruit? No. So... the choices are... you can take away the fruit. You can kill him. Or you can do the intelligent thing, which is: take away his free will."
    "Now, you must understand this: I have come to understand that it is the only way in which Life can continue, without destroying itself. The war was going on, hot and cold, when I was a child. I saw that. I don't fear it. I could not make it, if I feared it. But... it is tremendously inefficient. It wastes the lives of people you could control. It expends your resources. Leaves less for yourself. I saw all of this, my son. I saw, and knew, that Free Will... was a terrible, horrible, wretched mistake."
    "That is, for everyone save me."

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic


  • A Growing Affection has a minor example, the Big Bad Gouki feels ninjas should give up their free will as a trade-off for their vast powers.

Neon Genesis EvangelionFortitude Amicitia implies that this is because she already has once.

  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: Genocide: The Emerald Tablet is an advanced and very strange self-learning computer program that eventually develops a God complex and come to view humanity and its emotions and fragility as a problem that needs to be solved through what is forcible assimilation and the destruction of free will.

The Smurfs

  • In Empath: The Luckiest Smurf, the purpose for the creation of Psychelia by the Psyche Master is to have a society completely obedient to him and free of the emotions that Smurfs and other beings have to deal with. They are also taught that they are not individuals but parts of a collective whole, which is why they are forbidden to identify themselves as anything but "this one".

Spongebob Squarepants

Tolkien's Legendarium

  • Discussed in A Boy, a Girl and a Dog: The Leithian Script. The Valar consider destroying free will is something absolutely evil which only Morgoth and his partisans would do... which is because the Valar are so miffed when Men and Elves choose to ignore their advices and warnings and then complain to them when their freely-made decisions have bad consequences.
