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Take That / Game Grumps

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Take That! examples from Game Grumps.

  • A couple to George Lopez in Part 5 of the Pokémon Emerald playthrough.
    Arin: *Recalling his Lotad* George Lopez, that's enough!
    Arin: That's how I feel every night at 11:30.
  • During their 20th Pokemon Emerald segment, there were ones to Tyler Perry's works and to Beyonce.
  • The last Mega Man 7 video has a few jabs at PewDiePie.
  • Quite a few to Mike Matei, though Arin has since admitted he feels bad about it as he's long since met Mike and feels he's actually a pretty decent guy.
  • Arin claiming that Sega opted to officially cash in on Sonic porn. "Well, they had Bayonetta greenlit, so..."
    Jon: That's AWESOME! Where can we get it?
    Arin: Um,!!
  • In the finale of Metal Slug, Arin takes great offense at being compared with Bruce.
    Arin: Family Guy is like, "Ehh, Optimus Prime's a Jew. LOL." That's not even a joke!
    Jon: Have you seen our content, AIR-IN~?!!
    Arin: uhhhh, I know a thing or two about "Knock Knock Who's There". Family Guy doesn't know SHIT about bananas!
    Jon: Lemmie go ahead and give you our content: "OOOH! *fart noises*"
  • Robert De Niro gets the treatment during the Egg Wyvern battle, after Jon praises Analyze This. Arin had already noted that De Niro was a poor interview.
    "Barry, please put a clip of Robert DeNiro on a talk show going "yes, yeah." I need that."
  • Brendan Fraser's tombstone. (Sonic #54)
    He's got a really big mouth
    Screams well
    What else can you say about the guy
  • During a Seinfeldian Conversation about Kevin Federline, Arin recalls that "he might've been a white hip hop artist for a day." (Sonic #57)
    Jon: Let me give you my favorite Kevin Federline song: Oops I put my pee pee in the wrong giiiirrrrl!
  • The majority of the 61st Sonic '06 episode was spent dishing dirt on The Tester. Especially how Arin was treated on it.
    "A good Q&A tester for the entry-level position has to be able to figure out the differences between this picture of a parrot and that picture of a parrot."
    "You're good, you're hired."
  • Arin and Jon have taken several stabs to The Irate Gamer. Notable examples are during several Sonic '06 episodes and Incredible Crisis. Jon mentions that the Irate Gamer is probably the only guy they could make fun of in the show without upsetting a large amount of their fans.
  • In an episode of Super Mario Maker recorded shortly after David Bowie's death, Dan brings up how Bowie was reportedly asked to make an appearance on a Coldplay song, only to say "It's not a very good song, is it?" after hearing a sample. Arin and Dan then simultaneously come up with the exact same joke, where the band responds "Of course it's not a good song, we're Coldplay!"
  • In an episode of their Ocarina of Time Let's Play, Danny and Arin poke fun at The Cleveland Show, and to a lesser degree Family Guy:
    "They took all the jokes that they rejected from Family Guy, and put them in the show."
    "That's what it felt like, it really felt like the leftovers of the leftovers."
    • In another playthrough, they snark that any joke from Family Guy is probably actually from something else due to the show's Reference Overdosed sense of humor.
      Arin: I think I've seen it in Family Guy.
      Danny: Well, you know it's from something else because it was in Family Guy!
      Arin: I was just gonna say that! Nothing is "from" Family Guy; Family Guy just reminds you that things exist!
  • An episode of their playthrough of Wind Waker has Danny directly call Spider-Man 3 a bad movie, followed by a lengthy discussion about the Spider-Man film franchise in general, including Sony's refusal to allow Spidey into the Marvel Cinematic Universe at the time.
  • An episode of Super Mario 64 has Arin and Danny discuss the Youtube algorithm and its flaws preventing them from knowing if they have non-American fans or not.
  • When Arin jokes about putting Secretary Anderson out of his misery in Trauma Center: Second Opinion, Danny suggests injecting frames of The Last Airbender. Subverted the following joke when Arin suggests including some Linkin Park, only for Danny to object since he actually likes them.
  • Episode 12 of Arin and Dan's first Super Mario Maker 2 series has a pop up graphic of YouTube copyright police storming the Grump Room, just for the Grumps trying to play Yakety Sax in the video.
  • When playing Resident Evil 7 and they come across a shelf of football paraphernalia:
    Danny: Oh shit! They're Cleveland Browns fans! Run! They're used to disappointment!
  • When playing Space Quest IV: Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers on Steam Train they spot a store called Hz. So Good and note how "it's a video game store like Game Stop!" Then, after being curtly told by the store owner that they have nothing for sale but crap from the bargain bin, and that they have a strict no-returns policy because they're owned by an evil corporation...
    Danny: Wow! It is just like Game Stop!
  • During their playthrough of a Press Your Luck game, the Grumps get a question about The Polar Express. After they answer correctly, they have this to say about the movie.
    Danny: Boy, that sounds like a really good movie. (blows raspberry)
    Arin: The Polar Express? More like the pole up your ass!
  • When the Grumps are playing Ross's sadistic Super Mario Maker levels, they at one point decide to use the level-editor to check his level YOU ARE A MONSTER for hidden powerups or developer exitsnote  and turn up empty-handed. When he comes back for round two, he deliberately planted an Easter Egg out-of-bounds in his level Boss Rush that spells out "ARIN SUCKS" in coins specifically to taunt them if they tried it again. Sad to say they didn't, though fans quickly found it.
