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Self Fulfilling Prophecy / Animated Films

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  • A Bug's Life: Hopper continuously bullies and threatens the ants to keep them submissive and scared, preventing them from realizing their vastly superior numbers would allow them to easily fend off the grasshoppers if they stood up for themselves, a fact he is well aware of. Unfortunately for him, doubling down on his abuse to stomp out any signs of disobedience results in the ants eventually getting fed up with being treated like garbage and standing up to the grasshoppers, just as he feared.
  • Encanto: Bruno's talent is the ability to predict the future. However, many of his prophecies work this way. For instance, when he said "it looks like rain" during Pepa’s wedding, she freaked out and her weather powers go haywire (it doesn’t help she's very emotionally unstable), or when he said a woman's fish will die (since it was living in a bowl and was mortal), or a man would get fatter (well, this is what happens when someone overeats or has a slow metabolism), or the priest will lose his hair (it’s called "genetics"), or how Casita will fall because of Mirabel (due to the families' treatment of her as part of the reason the home starts to crack in the first place). Because people tend to do exactly what the prophecies say, they immediately label Bruno as a jinx.
  • Frozen (2013) has infant Elsa injure Anna with her magic. When their parents take her to the trolls, Pabbie warns them that Elsa's magic could be devastating if not controlled, and emphasizes the threat to Anna if she gets hit in the heart with ice magic. The parent's response is to lock Elsa away, to teach her what a threat she is, and to repeatedly tell her to repress her feelings and her magic so she doesn't hurt anyone. This causes Elsa to develop severe anxiety and fear about her powers, which in turn mean she is no longer able to control them. As a result, not only does one of her panic attacks freeze all of Arendelle, but she also ended up accidentally striking her sister by her heart, the very thing that Elsa wanted to avoid in all her life.
  • In Hercules, Hades gets a prophecy from the Fates that the only thing that can foil his plan to rule the cosmos is the titular hero. When he tried to dispose of Herc as a baby, he set off a chain of events that led to Hercules growing up to be a hero and foiling his plans.
  • Kung Fu Panda has the Old Master Oogway warning that he had a premonition that the villainous Tai Lung will escape his prison. Master Shifu has a bird messenger sent to the prison to increase the security; when he gets there, he inadvertently provides the essential element (a feather, used as a lockpick) that puts Oogway's premonition in motion and lets Tai Lung escape. Oogway even tries to warn Shifu of this possibility before the fact.
    Oogway: One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.
  • Kung Fu Panda 2 has the Genocide Backfire version: Lord Shen hears that he will be defeated by a "warrior of black and white", so he destroys the panda village in the area. This act eventually causes baby Po to be sent to the Valley of Peace, which allows him to become the Dragon Warrior and get the training he would need to fulfill his destiny, and indeed, he defeats Shen and ends his ambitions of conquest. It goes into full Prophecy Twist territory with how Shen dies: Po was willing to offer Shen mercy. However, Shen continued to attacking, cutting ropes holding up Shen's creation, a giant cannon. The cannon falls, crushing him. Shen, who through his colored plumage (and through the constant Yin Yang motifs throughout the film) is also a "warrior of black and white." Shen not only caused his own defeat by Po, but also caused his defeat by himself. Similar to Oogway against Shifu in the first film, the failings of Shen were even lampshaded by the Soothsayer who prophesied it, since she reminded him over and over that it was only forboded to happen if he continued acting the way he did rather than making peace with it.
  • In The LEGO Movie, Vitruvius admits that he made up the prophecy about "the Special" because he knew that it would inspire hope and bring about an actual "Special" by the hidden potential found in everyone.
  • In The Prince of Egypt, Rameses remains firm on not freeing the Hebrews out of fear of weakening Egypt. That attitude causes God to send the plagues and as a result, Egypt gets severely weakened.
  • In The Secret of NIMH 2: Timmy to the Rescue, Nicodemus foretold that M. Brisby's youngest son, Timmy, had a great destiny of saving his loved ones awaiting him, and should, therefore, be sent to Thorn Valley for further education. This possibility enrages his older brother Martin so much, that he runs away from home, gets captured by NIMH, gets experimented on by being given hyper-intelligence, causing him to go Hitler, upon which he manages to brainwash all the other rats in the facility, causing an uprising against the scientists, after which he organizes the lab rats into an army to invade Thorn Valley, longing for revenge, and is then gradually and conveniently stopped by Timmy, who has henceforth managed to keep his loved ones safe.
  • The Super Mario Bros. Movie: Upon hearing about Mario impressing Peach and them traveling together, even though they're only becoming good friends, Bowser immediately sees Mario as a rival for Peach's love and does everything he can to kill Mario and rid himself of competition. But all he succeeded in doing was bring Mario and Peach closer than before to the point where they are starting to flirt with each other and even hold hands, therefore setting in stone for their bond to blossom into romance in the future. For bonus ironic points, the only reason Mario seeks out Peach in the first place is to enlist her help in saving his brother Luigi from Bowser.
  • Titan A.E.: The Drej destroyed the original Earth and drove humanity into galactic-wide vagrancy because they believed we'd one day destroy them. They end up used as power for the titular Titan, the world-builder that creates the new Earth. It's safe to assume the protagonists wouldn't have needed to do that if they still had the old Earth...
  • In Turning Red, the red panda spirit is treated as Blessed with Suck, a beast that feeds on emotions and can only be kept in check by keeping those emotions bottled up, until it can be sealed away. By bottling up her emotions instead of healthily allowing them out, Ming's panda becomes a rampaging Kaiju, while the more outgoing Mei gradually gains more control of her panda as she accepts it as part of herself.
