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Other Comics:

  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:
    • The original comics were remarkably resistant to this, but an exception showed up with Casey Jones. Casey was originally introduced as a fairly loopy vigilante whose motivations mainly seemed to be watching way too much TV. However, in the 2003 cartoon he was given a You Killed My Father backstory involving the Purple Dragons gang and their leader Hun; Hun was imported into the Mirage comics late in the run of Tales of the TMNT, and Casey's background was updated accordingly.
    • Hun was based on an unused character for the Mirage comics named Copperhead.
  • Since the release of the video game adaptation of The Darkness, the comic adapted a couple traits from the game, notably the titular Darkness' ability to take control of its host whenever it wants.
  • As the Scott Pilgrim film (Scott Pilgrim vs. The World) had been in development since the release of Volume 1 (of 6), elements from the script (and interactions with screenwriters Edgar Wright and Michael Bacall) were incorporated by creator Bryan Lee O'Malley into subsequent volumes, per his own confessions. Much of Volume 6 was written during and directly after filming of the movie adaptation, meaning Jason Schwartzmann's portrayal of Gideon had been filmed while O'Malley's conception of the character was in flux, thus influencing the character's depiction in the graphic novel. Furthermore, some shots originating in the film's climax (the elevator with a downward arrow indicating its direction; the overhead angle of Scott dead on the floor) were directly incorporated into Volume 6. O'Malley has also stated that certain gags (such as the lines "It was just a [bisexual] phase," "You had a sexy phase!?") originated in the film's screenplay and were adapted into the graphic novels with permission, and that certain scenes were inspired by trips O'Malley took around Toronto with Wright and Bacall (such as the Honest Ed's sequence from Volume 3, which apparently came from Wright and Bacall's genuine shock and confusion once they entered the store, and horror upon seeing a particularly grotesque wall-mounted deer-head clock).
  • Sabrina the Teenage Witch:
    • A lot of elements of the TV show end up being incorporated in to the comics and later adaptations including the surname "Spellman" and Sabrina being a Half-witch.
    • Aunt Hilda and Aunt Zelda were an old crone and a chubby green-haired woman, respectively. Around the time of the TV show, they were changed into attractive middle-aged women.
    • A major change was Salem. He was originally a normal, non-talking orange cat until the TV show. Now he's a black cat who used to be a warlock.
  • The Spawn comics changed the title character's origin so that he was killed by Jessica Priest rather than Chapel from Youngblood (Image Comics). This concept originated in the movie, and was made canonical after Rob Liefeld left Image Comics (and took Chapel with him).
  • Archie Andrews being a musician is a popular part of his character, but it originally appeared in The Archie Show before being transferred into Archie Comics.
