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  • Eagleland:
    • Pintsize at one point claims his destructive, belligerent and annoying behavior comes from his American locale settings. He does become very civil and even kind when switched to British English language settings. The characters speculate as to how much of that is real personality change and how much is Pintsize being Pintsize.
    • Frequently invoked by the characters, with more than a bit of Western-Massachusetts "alternative" condescension.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Reneé is probably the one mentioned in comic 1363. She is introduced in strip 1845, and still it takes 14 strips more to mention her relationship with Angus. Technically, her role in the beginning may be one, as she only gained importance and individuality much later in the comic.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness:
    • Marten of all people had the Lame Pun Reaction in strip 21. This may be directly related to the fact that Marten became less and less of an Author Avatar as the strip went on.
    • Oh, look, it's the debut of the OMG Turkeys! Except it's actually the second Thanksgiving since the comic started and Jeph seems apologetic at how weird it is.
    • Both Hannelore and Marigold showed pretty stark contrast to their introductions once they settled into character.
    • Momo, who grew into being kind of prim and schoolgirl-ish.
  • Eldritch Abomination:
  • Embarrassing Cover Up:
    • Marigold tries to not tell anyone about how the head of security likes anime, but finds out a good lie for the circumstances of being gone for six hours is not "in the bathroom".
    • When Hanners is helping Marigold with a budget because being a Virtual YouTuber is making more money than she expected or is comfortable with, Dora asks what the job is and Mar blurts out "NUDES. I'M SELLING NUDES." Dora has zero problem with this, but Marigold is horribly embarrassed.
      Hannelore: Why on earth
      Marigold: I need to keep my identity a secret!
      Hannelore: And that's the first thing that came to mind?
      Marigold: My brain is trash and I live on the internet!
  • Embarrassing First Name: Raven goes by her middle name because she despises her Welsh first name, Blodwyn.
  • Embarrassing Middle Name: Marten Tiberius Reed. Or it would be, if his father wasn't such a stick in the mud.
  • Emotion Eater: The Shame Orb eats shame and excretes microwave burritos, Randy eats hope.
  • Empty Eyes: Hannelore's eyes go flat when she is avoiding engaging with Roko.
  • Entendre Failure: When Sven gives his jacket to Hannelore:
    Hannelore: [laughs] It's so big!
    Sven: I love it when girls say that.
    Hannelore: It must happen a lot! You're so tall!
  • Ensemble Cast: While the comic started focusing specifically on Marten and his array of satellite quirky women, he lost focus soon after getting together with Claire. Since then the series has widened its focus, with focus characters like Brun and Roko being multiple steps removed from Martennote . Generally the story focuses on characters going through an instability in their lives, such as Faye and Brun finding new jobs or Elliot and Clint's romantic arc, and let them fade to the background once they find a point of stability.
  • Entitled to Have You: Sven doesn't really seem to understand Faye turning him down. In his mind, he loves her and he's being honest, so she should like him back.
  • Epiphany Therapy:
    • Discussed when Faye finally explains why she gets so defensive.
      Faye: Therapy helped, but it's the equivalent of breaking your leg — you can walk when you get out of physical therapy, but you can’t run a marathon right away. I can function as a human being right now, and even have friends, but I can't handle a relationship.
      Marten: Couldn't we just make out now and worry about everything else later?
      Faye: Sure, if you want to trade one night of fun for me freaking out, running away, and never coming back.
      Marten: Well shit. I was almost letting myself hope that you'd be all "Man, it sure feels good to get all that off my chest! Let's go have sex!"
      Faye: If trauma were that easily dealt with, psychologists would work pro bono.
    • Played straight when Hannelore comes back from a journey to find herself and had an epiphany a week into shoveling yak poop that her OCD obsessions with cleanliness didn't matter—poop was poop, it needed to be shoveled even if she was grossed out, so being grossed out didn't matter.
  • Ethical Slut:
    • Dora Bianchi is an excellent example, albeit one in a committed, monogamous relationship until it ended. Still, this characteristic reveals itself by her willingness to address and discuss sexual concerns. Interestingly enough, her being an Ethical Slut doesn't stop her from having relationship issues, for example an almost pathological jealousy and suspicion of any woman who may appear to be trying to steal her man, the uber-example perhaps threatening Cosette with a broadsword for innocently revealing that she had a crush on Marten.
    • Dora's brother Sven claims to be this but he frequently lies and cheats. He does start trying to clean up his act but it's a work in progress given he had to be coerced to be honest with Faye.
    • Tai on the other hand is a good example of an Ethical Slut, even if she's a bit forward when tipsy (and again and becoming more so with every cell).
  • Even the Dog Is Ashamed: The chibi-fied AnthroPC is, anyway.
  • Even the Guys Want Him: Marten nonchalantly (and perhaps slightly too enthusiastically) agrees with the girls on this strip that Sven has a really great butt.
  • Everybody Was Kung-Fu Fighting: Faye and Padma kick off an improvised sparring match here. These are two young ladies who work in coffee shops and just met for the first time, you realise. Just don't try it when she's drunk.
  • Everyone Is Bi: Nearly the entire main cast is extremely fluid with their sexual orientations. Even Steve, Marten's Alpha Male Best Bro, is apparently just three tequila shots away from making out with a guy - or at least, Marten.
  • Everyone Knows Morse: Well, Hanners does (but then, Hanners knows R'lehian...) There's no indication anyone else understands what she's saying thoughnote .
  • Explaining the Soap: Marigold to Hannelore and Angus with Magical Love Gentleman.
  • Expy: Jeph has mentioned that he designed Marigold to be essentially "an Anglicized version of Konata from Lucky Star."
  • Eyes Always Shut: Dave, a supporting character who had a brief stint as Meena's ex-boyfriend.
  • Face Fault: Momo, whose design is based on a generic "moe" anime character, is designed to replicate these; the classic "sweat drop" is achieved by emitting a viscous fluid from underneath the hair, and it's apparently a bitch and a half to clean out.
  • Face Palm: Marten needs some Brain Bleach after the events of 1888. Possible NSFW
  • Fan Disservice: When Roko takes May to the maintenance shop to get looked over so that Roko can build a case for May deserves a body that isn't falling apart all the time, May is sitting on the repair bench entirely naked...with one arm off, various cables plugged into parts of her body (including where her right ear should be) and a generally pissed-off expression on her face.
  • Fanservice:
    • Jeph gives us Dora-service as an apology for Fan Disservice three strips prior.
    • This also occurs with Dora, Faye, and Hanners for Christmas '08 and Marigold roughly 300 strips later, with other occasions as well.
    • Not all the strip's fanservice froms from the girls, though; Christmas of '09 gives us some of Marten and Steve, while Jeph posts some of Sven on his Tumblr account after getting 40,000 followers.
    • Jeph is rather more fond of depicting post-coital nudity between same-sex couples (e.g. Tai and Dora, Faye and Bubbles, Elliot and Clinton) than between couples of different sexes (e.g. Marten and Claire), although he meticulously deploys arm-bras, hairbras, discreet angles and even a cat to avoid prurience.
  • Fanservice Pack:
  • Fantastic Racism: There is some against AI, e.g. May was refused a job, cause she's a robot, even though that was a violation of the Robot Civil Rights Act.
  • Female Gaze: Early on, Faye tries to deny she was staring at Marten's arse.
  • Fiction 500: Hannelore's parents, independently of one another. Her mother is a high-powered businesswoman with enough money that she could buy a restaurant on a whim just to fire a bad waiter (Hanners has to talk her out of it). Her father? Merely owns his own space station.
  • Finger-Tenting: Dale pulls off a classic Gendo Pose, complete with Scary Shiny Glasses. It's even lampshaded in the title.
  • First Period Panic: Hannelore Ellicot-Chatham spent most of her life living with crippling OCD and anxiety issues. When one of her friends asks her what her first period was like, she responds, "We don't talk about that day."
  • Fishing for Sole: Invoked by Marten when cautioning Claire about fishing for compliments from Faye.
  • Five-Second Foreshadowing: Watch out for those stairs.
  • Flanderization: A few members of the cast.
    • Hannelore is considered to be the strongest case of this since it's combined with Characterization Marches On - the circumstances under which she was introduced would be out of character for her now. It's referenced later on when Dora asks Hanners, "If you have OCD, how come you have, like, ten earrings and you smoke?". Hannelore handwaves an answer by saying, "Well, a girl has to have some glaring inconsistencies in her life", but later says that she was on very powerful meds at that time, and can just about acknowledge that it happened on her current prescriptions. The piercings are better-explained here.
    • Pintsize wasn't always /b/ personified. He used to just be kinda silly. This may be explained by the beginning of the comic, when Marten comments on that Pintsize finally has wifi and can browse the internet as he pleases... presumably leading to the discovery of 4chan and all of its horrors, leading to how he is today.
    • Faye herself points out that she used to be a "bitch with issues", but now that she's in counseling and getting to the root of her issues, she's "just a bitch".
  • Flash Step: Practiced by Hanners in this strip, to get out of the way of an impending barf.
    Angus: I've literally never seen a human being move that fast.
  • Flat "What":
  • Flipping the Bird:
  • Flock of Wolves: Minor example when Angus describes his job as a Strawman Political—he's paid to take a side in a political debate and lose. Unfortunately for him, one day...
    Angus: The guy I was supposed to "debate" with was a strawman hired by the other side. We spent an hour and a half trying to lose to one another before realizing the rally had been double-booked.
  • Flowers of Romance:
  • Fluffy the Terrible: Bubbles the combat droid. Many of the details of her military service are still vague, but whatever happened greatly traumatized her.
  • For the Lulz: Pintsize's usual MO, but taken to extremes in this guest-strip, courtesy of Randy Milholland.
    Pintsize: BEGIN. 10 Print "Is this right?". 20 Input "N". 30 If "N" = "Yes", then LOL = none. 40 If "N" = "No", then LOL = Plenty. END.
  • Foreshadowing:
  • Forged Message: Played for Laughs in this guest strip, which might double as The Unreveal and definitely doubles as a parody of Hostess Fruit Pies ads. (You'd probably need to have some context of QC history to that point to understand it. There's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it line at the end that makes it fall into this trope.)
  • Formula for the Unformulable: Hannelore's father asks Marten how happy she is on Earth and then hands him a giant book which will apparently show him how to calculate this. It is not shown if it works since Marten couldn't understand it.
  • Four-Temperament Ensemble: Faye (choleric), Hannelore (melancholic), Marten (leuquine), and Dora (sanguine).
  • Freaky Fashion, Mild Mind: Done to an extent with Dora and Raven, who are both more goth (and emo, for Raven) in dress than in mentality.
  • Friend in the Black Market: When Faye is out of work and trying to stay sober, she jokes that she'd like a job "fabricating custom murder-chassis for underground robot fighting tournaments", whereupon Pintsize uses this trope, with what turn out to be major plot consequences:
    Pintsize: Were you serious about working for an underground robot fighting ring?
    Faye: What?
    Pintsize: Because I'm not saying I know a guy or anything, but I TOTALLY KNOW A GUY.
  • Friendless Background: Marigold and Hannelore. The former was just a loner, and the latter spent a good deal of her life scared of everything and without a proper social life...up in space.
    • Also implied with Emily
  • Friendly Neighborhood Spider: The webcomic has Gordon the AnthroPC, a congenial AI who doesn't quite understand that his cartoonish mini-Spider Tank chassis is pure Nightmare Fuel to a lot of his clients.
  • Friends with Benefits: Sven and Faye have a thing like this for a while. Ultimately, Faye got too attached, and Sven went back to his smarmy ways.
  • Full-Name Ultimatum:
    • Marten's mother calls him Marten Tiberius Reed when she gets mad at him, even though Tiberius isn't really his middle name.
    • Hannelore calls Marigold by her full name when she's upset with her.
  • Functional Genre Savvy: When a stranger accidentally flies a drone into his head, then immediately befriends him, Marten says "this is pretty much par for the course in my social circle".
  • Funny Background Event:
    • Momo tends to be part of silent gags, such as here and here.
    • Often the title of the strip points out or creates a funny background event out of something that was just scenery.
    • Dora tries on a tail at an anime con.
    • Funny Sideground Event from Hanners here.
    • Faye and Pintsize have a Funny Foreground Event here.
    • Padma poking a passed out drunk guy at a bar.
    • Momo is still capable of these in her new chassis. Here she is finding some questionable content of her own.
    • Sweet-Tits reading a book on bird care in her first canon appearance.
    • This entire comic is about the background event.
    • Frequently, the specials in the coffee shop act as one. Either they read like something out of a Lethal Chef's cookbook ("ghost pepper mocha, buffalo scones, really shitty granola", for example) or they contain items that aren't even food. In one random strip, Affogato is listed precisely in order to specify that they don't have it ("NO") and other specials include "Advice", "Good Advice" and "Blood Pack".
    • Similarly, the menu in the sandwich place where Steve and Meena meet is an interesting read: The "Berlin" sandwich is made with ham, bacon, pork and techno, for example.
    • In this strip, Yay is fighting the urge to intervene in Roko's work. Melon gives Yay an unfolded paperclip to fiddle with, which she says she uses to distract her when she has "unspeakable urges". In the following strip, Roko and Yay continue their conversation while Yay folds the paperclip into impossibly convoluted shapes (apparently by heating it up so that it becomes more malleable), before finally folding it back into the shape of a perfect paperclip and handing it back to a very pleased-looking Melon. Jeph comments in the rant "inductive fingertips, apparently."
    • After buying a new bread knife, Roko tests it out and considers the results very intently, while talking with Spookybot.
  • Gag Penis: Dora regarding Marten, albeit jokingly. "It's roughly as large as my forearm and fist and about as dextrous." Raven, however, takes her seriously.
  • Gale-Force Sound: Yelling Bird is very insistent.
  • Garage Band: Deathmøle.
  • Gargle Blaster: The vintage whiskey they bought once. Delicious as it was, it glowed and came with a health warning. A guest strip is also centered around one.
  • Gay Guy Seeks Popular Jock: Inverted when Lovable Jock Gentle Giant Elliott, who already knows he's bisexual, pines for and works up the courage to nervously court tiny nerd Clinton, and serves as his Closet Key.
  • Generic Cuteness: Most of the cast is quite young: early to mid-20s., and the parental characters are somewhat unconvincing. For instance, Marten's mom has facial characteristics similar to the core cast, but with a single wrinkle and an older-woman's hairstyle. Dora's father only manages to look his age because he's portly and bald. Faye's mom looks like Faye with gray hair. Lampshaded when Dora meets Marten's dad, who looks just like Marten with gray hair and tiny lines under his eyes for wrinkles.
    Beat Panel looking at Marten's dad
    Beat Panel looking at Marten
    Henry: Hear that, Maurice? I'm still hot.
    Maurice: Smoking, darling.
When Claire is introduced to Henry, she also finds him very handsome.
