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Obnoxious In Laws / Fan Works

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Obnoxious In-Laws in Fan Works.

  • In How the Light Gets In, Laurel's parents hate Dean, her father largely because he thinks Dean isn't good enough for her and he recognizes Dean's basically a criminal, her mother because she blames Dean for how strained her relationship with Laurel is (smoothly ignoring that it's her own fault). Dean isn't very fond of them either. However, he adores Laurel's grandmother and his relationship with Sara is dysfunctional but still relatively loving.
    • Completely averted with Laurel, however, who gets along with Sam and the rest of Dean's extended family very well.
  • The Many Dates of Danny Fenton: In the alternate ending where Danny chooses Phantasma, Danny would have this kind of relationship with Phanty's father, one of mutual and utter contempt.
  • A Song of Ice, Fire and Heart: When prompted by Trevor wondering why Roxas wouldn't want to marry a genuine princess, the teenager admits he's not relishing the prospect of getting saddled with her family since her father the King is a cheating, lazy, fat drunkard, her brother just won't stop insulting him for being a "peasant" and throwing tantrums and her uncle looks far too overprotective. And that's long before he meets her ruthlessly pragmatic grandfather who genuinely believes in terrifying everyone under behaving.

Baldur's Gate III

  • In choose-your-own-adventure fanfic Glad Tidings, Ulder Ravenguard despises his son's fianceé Astarion, to the point where he declares an INSANE SECRET WAR on him. Astarion in turn isn't entirely innocent; he's a huge drain on Ulder's finances and he keeps alienating nobles whose support Ulder needs, seemingly for fun. The two reconcile on most endings.

Code Geass

  • In Code Geass: The Prepared Rebellion, the usual dynamic is inverted. Reuben Ashford is continuously vexed by his daughter-in-law Melisande's attempts to replace him as head of the family.


  • Where Talent Goes to Die alludes to this trope when Yuuki notes that Mitamura, who's serious to a fault and a stickler for good manners and grammar is trying to be like "the mom of our group," but in practice, ends up as the "mother-in-law." As unflattering as the analogy is, Yuuki actually likes Mitamura, respects her intelligence, and hopes to become friends with her.
    • Downplayed with Kaori's paternal grandmother, who dislikes Kaori's mother. Despite their fundamentally incompatible worldviews- Kaori's grandmother is a highly traditional housewife, while Kaori's mother works outside the home- Kaori's mother treats everyone with respect, so the two women can at least keep things civil.


Disney Animated Canon

  • From day one in La polilla y la mariposa, Alma never liked AnnĂ¡, disapproving of her relations with her family because of her background and only tolerating her whenever Bruno invited her to visit. When Bruno invites her to stay permanently, it takes Bruno proposing to her and being outvoted by the rest of her family for her to allow it, not even giving them her blessing when they marry. When Bruno leaves, she is quick to blame AnnĂ¡ for it.

For Better or for Worse

  • Deconstructed in Foob's Paradise: Mira is well intentioned, but has a tendency to talk without listening and focus on the wrong issues, such as addressing her daughter's lack of organization in the kitchen when Deanna's on the verge of breaking down from stress. Due to this, everyone tends to ignore her even when she's got genuine concerns. After Wilf talks to her about it, Mira starts making an effort to pay more attention and offer legitimate advice.
  • The New Retcons:
    • Wilf and Mira regard the Pattersons, barring April as this. Their attitude is increasingly justified in the cases of Elly and John when the former loses her grip on reality, with John refusing to do anything to help his wife because he'd rather ignore the problem entirely. Even at the best point in their relationship, Mira can muster no more than indifference towards her son-in-law Michael. As a result, when Deanna's divorce is finalized, April is the only one of the Pattersons Mira expects to maintain a relationship with.
    • Conversely, the Pattersons (again barring April) view Mira as this, particularly Elly, who feels she's usurping her position in the family.

Katawa Shoujo

  • Mr. Satou to Hisao in Lilly Epilogue Family Matters, who doesn't think much of Hisao, Hanako, or Lilly's decision to remain in Japan; he is such a Jerkass that he outrages his older daughter Akira, and eventually, Lilly loses her temper and throws him out of the apartment. Ultimately, however, he relents, apologizes to Lilly, and gives Hisao his approval.

Marvel Universe

  • In Ultimate Spider-Woman: Change with the Light, Ben Reilly's parents both hate Mary Jane Watson and are fairly open about it, especially when Andrew outright threatens Mary Jane if she doesn't stop dating his son. When he finds out about it, Ben is not amused.


  • In Kitsune no Ken: Fist of the Fox, Kushina's older sister Mito is openly hostile toward Minato, and the feeling is mutual as Minato declares he would rather swim with sharks than have to deal with her. (Although he's not the only one to feel this way; Kushina herself, having never gotten along with Mito since childhood, actually freezes up at the prospect of her sister coming to visit.) Nagato, Kushina's brother, is this trope to a lesser extent, as he can at least keep things civil with Minato.


  • Paul Blofis' parents in The Moments of Paul and Percy are this to Sally Jackson. Sally is horrified when Paul's mother, who is described as the stereotypical mother-in-law, suggests that the family move into the house across from theirs.

Star Trek

  • In Doctor Ghemor, I Presume?, Legate Tekeny Ghemor is rather upset to learn his (possible) son is courted by Garak, formerly a ruthless spy and torturer blindly loyal to a man even worse. On Garak's side, he's terrified by the possibility of Ghemor discreetly assassinating him.
    • Then Garak meets his husband's human parents. He immediately takes umbrage at them verbally and emotionally abusing Julian, and they take offense at Garak defending Julian from them.

Team Fortress 2

  • In I'll Be Home for the Holidays the RED Sniper's brother-in-law, Jack Williams, is a thoroughly obnoxious and unpleasant person who gossips about Sniper behind his back and is revealed to have bullied him when they were children. The worst of his Kick the Dog moments comes when he wrecks Sniper's relationship with his father, which is finally beginning to heal, by revealing Sniper's rifle to his father and showing that he isn't a doctor as he was pretending to be. One wonders why Sniper's sister, Lizzie, even married him in the first place.
  • In Something New, Sophia's adoptive parents absolutely cannot stand Liam due to him being a "thug from Southie." The way they treat their daughter, however, isn't that much better.
    • On the flip side, Sophia gets along relatively well with Liam's mother Colleen.


  • In the 'In My Eyes' stories, Megatron outright says he'll kill Sarah if she doesn't break up with Will.
