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Narm / Game of Thrones

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Yes, she looks like that every time she gives a Rousing Speech
"You want a good girl, but you need the bad pussy."
Tyene Sandnote 

Narm in Game of Thrones.

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     Season 1 
  • The dogs that play the direwolves are not very good actors. It's hard not to laugh when CGI blood flies everywhere as a happy puppy jumps up and gnaws gleefully on a chew toy, and when Ghost is trying to warn Jon that the wights are up and about, the "wolf"'s whining and scratching at the door are so dog-like that it seems like Jon should be asking, "What is it, girl? Did Rickon fall down the well again?"
  • Littlefinger has a character-defining monologue that goes into great detail about his backstory and motivations… which is completely undercut by the Girl on Girl Is Hot going on in front of him, which is distracting enough before being edited to actively compete with the dialogue in both screen-time and volume. It also doesn't help that Ros' faux immodest orgasm (which Littlefinger is ostensibly correcting) doesn't actually get any less "ridiculous", and let's not forget the infamous "Play with her arse" command delivered in exactly the same detached tone as the rest of the monologue.
  • King Robert's reaction to news of Daenerys' pregnancy during his discussion with Ned Stark is "The WHOOOOOAAAAARRRRR is pregnant!"

     Season 2 
  • In Qarth we see the masked mystic woman Quaithe, but unlike the novels, the show never bothers to explain who she is or why she's even there, and she's never mentioned again, making her two scenes feel like Big Lipped Alligator Moments in which Jorah is visited by the Exposition Fairy, since she blatantly tells him that Dany's very important and that he's in love with her. Thanks, Captain Obvious!
  • Talisa's introduction makes it look like Robb was getting turned on by her amputating someone's foot. A lot of reviewers found that the awkward attempts at a Meet Cute took them out of the show. They thankfully would get a little better afterwards.
  • Brienne's goofy face and shrieking when Renly is killed by Melisandre's shadow assassin. Speaking of which, while Gwendoline Christie gives a good performance overall, her bellowing during fight scenes in general can make her hard to take seriously.
  • Like in the books, Theon's longship is called the Sea Bitch.
  • Sansa's strangely monotone, "You won't hurt me." when Sandor is trying to convince her to flee King's Landing with him during the Battle of Blackwater makes her sound like a robot.

     Season 3 
  • It can be hard to take the Unsullied seriously when you notice that their shields look like nipples.
  • Loras Tyrell talking about jewelry, fashion and his dream wedding, because apparently the saucy bedroom scenes with other men weren't enough to convince us that he's gay.
  • When Jaime's hand gets sliced off at the end of "Walk of Punishment", he screams in terror and pain, and the scene abruptly cuts to the credits... with an upbeat and completely out of place rock song, to the raucous laughter of everyone watching.
  • "Chaos isn't a pit… Chaosh ish a LADDAH".
    • Littlefinger's accent has been wandering all over the place since Season 2, making it really hard to take all his supposed Magnificent Bastard scheming seriously, especially when he's pretending to be Irish Batman. It gets even worse in Season 4, especially on the ship with Sansa: "Oy'm teeking you… to The Veeeeel," and by Season 6 it's so bad that Honest Trailers gave him two credits as "Littlefinger's accent" and "Littlefinger's other accent."
  • Rose Leslie's accent as Ygritte starts to verge on the narmy after a while in this season, and evokes the kind of stereotypically gobby northern bint encountered on a night out in Wigan, as opposed to a hardened warrior woman from beyond the Wall — "I'm Jyon Snuuuuur — raaaaght fut, lyeft fut!".
  • While the scene quickly becomes nightmarish again, when Ramsay hits Theon in the face with his hunting horn, Theon lands on the floor with his mouth gaping open and shut like a fish as he tries to crawl away - it looks really silly.
  • Catelyn's death at the end of "The Rains of Castamere". The croaking groans of grief might work for you in context—Robb and everyone else she cared about had just been gruesomely killed, after all—but the fact that she still manages to slit her hostage's throat during said groans? Then some guy walks in from off screen, slits her throat, and immediately exits stage left.
  • In "Mhysa", a very distraught Ygritte has Jon Snow at arrowpoint. Jon tries to plead his way out and tells her that he needs to go home. He sounds extremely whiny and petulant, especially when earlier in the episode, Joffrey shrieks at his grandfather that he is not tired. One of these performances was intentional. The other? Not so much.
  • Daenerys Crowd Surfing in the final scene of this season. The scene is going great, but then it suddenly turns into a rock concert… to say nothing of other problems.

     Season 4 
  • Tyrion telling Shae they can no longer be together and she has to leave King's Landing at once is supposed to be dramatic and sad, but instead it comes off like something from very cheap soap opera.
  • Okay, the reveal of the Night King and his method of creating new White Walkers was indeed pants-shittingly scary, but it was slightly tarnished by the fact that he looks a bit like an albino Darth Maul and that the baby reacts to the most terrifying monster in the entire mythos by grinning and giggling for a few moments.
  • Dany's speech to Jorah about how she intends to rule Westeros is clearly meant to be an awesome moment and sign of her potential character growth, but the speech itself is extremely cheesy and feels rather forced and gratuitous. This is not helped by Clarke's delivery (even her fans generally agree this is not her best moment): "I will do what queens do… I will roo."
  • Not only is Karl's monologue about his backstory a blatant Info Dump with no real purpose, but the profanity is so absurdly gratuitous compared to the rest of the show that it feels like it was written by a teenager trying way too hard to be edgy.
  • Arya trying to sound deep with her "Nothing is just… nothing," line is more cringe-worthy than profound.
  • The shameless Plot Armor that Ramsay Snow is wearing in "The Laws of Gods And Men" as he turns his shirtless back on a heavily-armed squad of the "best killers in the Iron Islands" while they just patiently wait for him to sic the dogs on them.
  • Tyrion's beetle monologue is notorious for this, especially since it goes on for almost five minutes before just fizzling out and is obviously only there for padding.
  • "The Watchers on the Wall" has several.
    • When the giant shoots a man with its giant bow and arrow, the man practically gets launched into space.
    • Ygritte's death scene is somewhat undercut by her last words being her Catchphrase due to the amount of Memetic Mutation it's undergone, not to mention the rare use of slow motion as the battle rages on that makes them look stuck in their own narrative bubble. Being soundtracked to Bon Jovi doesn't help either.
    • Olly's confident "I've got your back" nod to Jon after spending most of the battle hugging his knees in abject terror (and occasionally operating the elevator) was too incongruous for some viewers to do anything but laugh at.
  • While Tyrion killing Shae was a sad, sad scene, the moment is slightly ruined by the camera slowly panning to Shae's corpse wearing a big smile while Tyrion sobs his apologies for killing her, not to mention the gravitas being undermined by the visible snot on his upper lip.
  • Qyburn talking about how he will heal the Mountain and beginning the work on him comes across like something out of a Frankenstein movie, and not in a good way. His ominous, "Oh, no..." was particularly over the top.
  • "I love my lover." Yes, very insightful there, Cersei.

     Season 5 
  • The Westerosi custom of putting painted stone eyes on a deceased's eyelids can look pretty goofy at certain angles, which is certainly the case with the funerals of Tywin, Joffrey and Myrcella.
  • When Dany switches from Common to Valyrian mid-conversation in the first episode, her Valyrian dialogue is louder and more stilted and sounds too similar to when she's giving a speech (as opposed to casual conversation), which can be too jarring for the scene's own good. Moreover, she then keeps the same louder, hammier tone when switching back to Common.
  • The deafening silence after Daenerys has Mossador executed is fairly creepy, yes, but then all the slaves start hissing at her, which can kind of destroy the moment.
  • Ellaria's vengeful speech to Doran is quite passionate but somewhat undercut by the line, "This Lannister girl skips about the water gardens eating our food, breathing OUR air!" Apparently, air is scarce in Dorne and if Myrcella just took shallower breaths or stopped breathing entirely, she'd be much less offensive to Ellaria.
  • The Sand Snakes are infamous for the many moments of unintentional hilarity they provide:
    • Just like Karl Tanner in Season 4, the writers seem to have panicked about getting Obara's backstory across, so out of nowhere she launches into a monologue about it to people who already know the whole thing. It's actually pretty reminiscent of how Zuko's backstory is provided in The Last Airbender.
    • The Sand Snakes' introduction is narmy all around, with many comparing them to B-Movie "Bad Girls" of the kind parodied by the Fox Force Five in Pulp Fiction, from Obara's aforementioned Info Dump to the cruel and convoluted torture of the captain who willingly brought them information, to teenaged Tyene's Establishing Character Moment of childishly running to Ellaria while calling out "Mama!".
    • A mix-up in the costuming department resulted in the Sand Snakes' breastplates having nipples. The Joel Schumacher jokes pretty much write themselves, and it's made even funnier by the fact that "useless as nipples on a breastplate" is a common expression in the books.
    • The fight of the Sand Snakes vs. Jaime and Bronn is appallingly cheesy and looks like it was made for an action B-Movie. None of the Snakes' actions look fast enough, Obara of the Badass Boast can't even beat a crippled Jaime Lannister, Nym's whipping is at best a mild annoyance, and—Oh, good grief, Tyene! Then it concludes with Obara giving another Badass Boast… before throwing down her spear when her opponents don't immediately surrender to her. Bronn's opening quip of "Oh, for fuck's sake" mirror's the audience reaction quite nicely.
    • Tyene's little poison game with Bronn in "The Gift". The gratuitous nudity of flashing her boobs while clutching the prison bars to look like a stripper, the Fridge Logic of why she would use slow-acting poison on a snatch-and-grab kidnapping and why arousal would be enough to trigger it when combat wasn't, and her overall shift to a completely different personality all make it very tough to take seriously.
    • The line "You want a good girl, but you need the bad pussy." is a strong candidate for the worst line ever written for the show. One would be excused for thinking it's a shout-out to a masterpiece by the name of Shark Attack 3: Megalodon.
  • Ramsay really goes overboard this season when he derails Stannis' entire war effort with just 20 men in an off-screen raid, somehow destroying the food, horse lines and siege engines of an army of thousands and setting fire to their tents and killing hundreds of horses, not just unresisted but unspotted. This ninja attack is so outlandish and ridiculous that many can only view it as surreal comedy. The fact that Davos and Stannis were somehow able to glean that it was exactly twenty men was also distracting and ridiculous. No one saw them, but they somehow figured out their numbers to a man? Even their footprints would be impossible to sort out after all the chaos and continued snowfall. It just screams Forced Meme.
  • The Sons of the Harpy attack scene in Meereen involves several stages of this:
    • Their appearance is accompanied by an absurdly unholy chanting music that brings to mind the sacrifice song from South Park, as if we needed further proof that these Malevolent Masked Men massacring the populace are evil.
    • The tension is high right up until Dany's entourage gets surrounded in the middle of the arena, at which point it comes to a screeching halt as the Sons of the Harpy, who've been slicing through the crowd and guardsmen like butter, immediately degenerate to prodding at Dany's group one at a time to be cut down by Jorah or Daario in a manner that suggests that Dany's crew could've just slowly whittled the Harpies down without any trouble.
    • The dragon-riding itself on many levels. Besides the jarring shift into High Fantasy, many of the effects were comically bogus (particularly the utter lack of wind in Dany's hair), not to mention the numerous large spines on Drogon's back that made many giggle at just how, *ahem*, uncomfortable (or maybe more comfortable) riding this dragon must be. Then there was how slowly and awkwardly Dany was actually mounting while the Sons of the Harpy apparently did nothing to stop her, and how Dany apparently just abandons her entire court to test-drive her new ride rather than even attempting to harness Drogon against her enemies.
    • To cap it off, the episode ends on that note, with Daenerys's allies staring bleakly as she flies away leaving them still surrounded by enemies. Astoundingly, the next episode opens with them all back in her throne room unharmed, with no explanation as to what happened after Daenerys took off. Presumably once she flew away, the Harpies all shrugged at each other and walked out, leaving her courtiers and allies alone for some reason.
  • Ellaria empathizing with Jaime over his relationship with Cersei struck many people as being downright weird for equating Dorne's Eternal Sexual Freedom with incest, and the scene itself serves no purpose beyond reminding us how much of an Open Secret Jaime and Cersei's love affair is and how "liberal" Dorne is.
  • The face-peeling scene would've been a very disturbing bit of Mind Screw if they'd limited it to just two or three faces. With half a dozen, it looks more like something straight out of Scooby-Doo or Scary Movie, which did the same thing with masks and looked only slightly sillier. Plus, as Arya gets more and more freaked out by every face she pulls off as if she didn't do the same thing herself earlier in the same episode, it's pretty tempting to shout "Yeah, try it eight more times, maybe it'll work!"
  • It's hard to take Septa Unella's threatening demeanor seriously. "Shame!… Shame!… Shame!… Shame!… Shame!… Shame!…" She's saying that because it's a walk of shame, you see. Cersei has committed grievous sins, and the only prescription is more cowbell! Dingalingaling!
  • The tragedy (or catharsis) of Stannis' Humiliation Conga in "Mother's Mercy" can cross right over into Black Comedy: his army deserts him, his wife hangs herself, his guru abandons him, etc. Most of it happens off-screen and in such a ludicrously short time that the second he finishes hearing awful news, even worse news arrives until it feels like an infomercial ("But wait, there's more!") and you could be forgiven for expecting Blinkin to appear and comment: "Oh, it's good to be home, ain't it, Master Stannis?"
  • It's hard to remain serious during Dany's attempts to get back to Meereen in "Mother's Mercy", where the whole scene with Drogon plays out like the classic scene in Western or Historical Fiction parodies (it's even in Don Quixote) where The Hero can't get his mount to do what he wants. Then, when she strikes out on foot, hundreds of riders come out of nowhere and start orbiting around her.
  • As part of The Conspiracy to assassinate Jon Snow, someone was given the job of painting a sign that says "Traitor". Imagine the debate that must have gone into that decision: "Hmm, how can we make it clear we're upset with him, other than repeatedly stabbing him to death? I know! We'll make him look at a sign!", or the attendant debate over which Pre-Mortem One-Liner to say aloud and which to put on a sign. It gets even sillier in the Season 6 premiere. They didn't take the sign down, and left the corpse lying under it. It takes Davos about two seconds to put two and two together and realize what happened. Way to go, guys.
  • Arya's repeated, loud calls of "Oysters, clams and cockles!" while selling seafood, which seem to get louder and more drawn out as the scenes go on.

     Season 6 
  • Dorne continues to deliver about those Xena rejects avenging Oberyn by murdering all his remaining relatives in an out-of-nowhere coup justified by Insane Troll Logic and accompanied by gratuitous gloating:
    • Tyene "the Bad Pussy" effortlessly kills Areo Hotah, the elite bodyguard three times her size, who apparently Failed a Spot Check on the obvious dagger sticking out of her boot. Even the crippled Prince Doran gave more of a fight when being killed by Ellaria (to say nothing of Arya's later survival).
    • Obara and Nymeria seemingly perform Offscreen Teleportation to get on Trystane's ship. Then we're treated to Nym prepping for one-on-one close quarters combat against Trystane's rapier with her whip, only for her older sister to stab him In the Back. Surely that was the plan though, because a whip is a singularly poor choice to counter a rapier in close quarters, right? Nope, Nym is pissed. "You're a greedy bitch, you know that?" It's made even more hilarious with a laugh track.
  • The whole kingsmoot feels rather ridiculous, as not only do the Ironborn display the memories of goldfish in enthusiastically supporting whoever spoke last, but as a result Euron wins purely through Ad Hominem attacks on Theon's Groin Attack and use of the word "gallivant" and by saying Glad I Thought of It to Yara's fleet-building plan.
    • The absurd number of people who Failed a Spot Check to allow Yara and Theon to flee with the entire Iron Fleet, not to mention the Fridge Logic of why they're fleeing at all if they command the loyalty of such a powerful force, instead of simply using it to snuff out Euron or start a Civil War, since they obviously have no intention of honoring the kingsmoot's verdict anyway.
  • Daenerys proclaiming the entire Dothraki people as her bloodriders becomes extremely dark humour when you remember that one of the fundamental duties of a bloodrider (at least in the novels) is to commit ritual suicide when their khal dies, giving such a declaration potentially genocidal implications.
  • After leaving the Faceless Men, Arya clearly knows that they plan to kill her and spends a Lock-and-Load Montage preparing for it, but then she just strolls around nonchalantly until she's accosted by an old woman who immediately shivs her multiple times before stopping to reveal that she's actually the Waif and give Arya time to escape, which begs the question of what Arya thought she was doing and why the Waif wore a disguise at all if it only got in the way of her gloating.
  • Arya's final showdown with the Waif has some eye-rolling bits as the Waif casually strolls after her like the Terminator and yet is always right behind her like a slasher villain, and the show actually tries to drag out the suspense of who won after Arya takes out the candle like anyone could have any doubt, even on this show.
  • The sheer degree of Hollywood Healing Arya manages throughout the sequence. Between episodes 7 and 8, she gets stabbed multiple times in the stomach, jumps into an undoubtedly polluted river, receives amateur treatment and one night of rest before engaging in a high-speed parkour chase, takes several significant falls, rolls down a stone staircase, and reopens her hastily-bandaged wounds, and yet at the end of the episode she's somehow able to stride confidently out of the House of Black and White. It's hard to believe the Waif ever could have killed her, as apparently nothing can. It's made even worse by the number of Apathetic Citizens during the whole pursuit, as if nobody cares about the two girls fighting, parkouring, and pushing stuff around.
  • Arya rolls down a ridiculous number of steps and hits every single fruit basket on the way down. Not only does it feel like something out of a cartoon, but it honestly looks like Arya did it on purpose and had to struggle to keep the roll going.
  • The Second Battle of Winterfell:
    • When Jon mounts his horse to ride out to Rickon, attentive viewers can spot that his sword is more flexible than it should be.
    • Remember Wun Wun as the One-Man Army whacking wights left, right, and center with a huge log at Hardhome? Cherish those memories; you'll need them to counter the embarrassing shots of him pathetically waving his naked arms at the Bolton infantry and being generally useless despite having time to actually prepare for this battle.
    • Jon Snow and his army must be made up of the fastest sprinters in Westeros, as not even a minute passes after Ramsay arrives in Winterfell on horseback before Jon's infantry starts breaking down the gate. It looks even more strange that none of the Vale knights participate in the final siege, in spite of actually possessing horses.
  • After Ellaria made such a big deal about killing Doran for not taking action against the Lannisters, it's quite weird that she herself (hypocritically) does nothing until Varys arrives to get her ass in gear. And how does she call Varys out to greet Olenna? By ringing a bell, as if she's calling the waiter to bring in some pizza. Since when is Varys the Spider, Master of Whisperers, treated like Ellaria's personal butler?
  • The final scene of Book 5, in which Varys has his "little birds" murder Kevan Lannister, is changed to Qyburn killing Pycelle. Fair enough, except for some reason the writers just copy-pasted Varys' lines about how he regrets having to do it to further his plans because the victim doesn't really deserve it, which don't fit the new situation or characters well at all since sidetracking Pycelle from the upcoming bombing of the Great Sept and then killing him anyway makes it seem very personal. Qyburn also says "before we can usher in the new, the old must be put to rest", but this is long before Tommen's surprise suicide and Cersei's been a fixture of the Decadent Court for 20 years, far longer than the Sparrows and Tyrells who're the main target of The Purge, so what "new" is Qyburn even talking about except maybe on a personal level between himself and Pycelle?
  • Tommen's suicide is less disturbing and sad and more hilarious with how abruptly the kid just steps out the window and how still the camera is during all of it; not to mention Tommen's calm and rather bored demeanor humorously turns the scene from "Driven to Suicide after losing everything I love" to "Fuck this, I'm out". As if to give evidence to this, he takes the time to actually take off his crown and leave it on a table before jumping. The Accidental Pun it created with the city's name also did not escape the audience's notice.
  • "This is your god now." Cersei must get off on every forced faux-dramatic quip she utters.

     Season 7 
  • Euron's new outfit makes him look like a wannabe rock star or a hipster, which is either this or Narm Charm.
  • Remember back when Cersei raised a few eyebrows by saying "I choose you" to Jaime? Varys of all people manages to one-up this by making it Punctuated! For! Emphasis! while explaining his loyalties to Daenerys.
  • Arya's revenge on the Freys. An entire room full of people collapsing from being poisoned all at the same time and on dramatic cue is as funny as it is horrific.
  • Ed Sheeran's cameo. Unlike the other famous musicians' cameos, it's impossible to miss him since he's just Ed Sheeran in Lannister armor and the camera keeps panning on his face as if they want the viewers to say "Hey, it's Ed Sheeran!" And when Arya comments that his song was pretty and not what she heard before, Sheeran's reply is "It's a new one" as if he's promoting a new song or album.
  • The fact that Qyburn's fearsome, top-secret anti-dragon weapon on which "the finest artillaters(?) and blacksmiths in King's Landing have been labouring day and night" turns out to be a fairly mundane ballista, like those in use since Season 2.
  • It looks like the writers couldn't come up with any good dialogue at all for the Sand Snakes' final scene before the big ship battle, where they're all talking about who they want to kill first when they arrive in King's Landing, with Tyene still calling her own mother "Mama" and Obara and Nym making fun of her for doing so. Downright embarrassing until the end, it makes you wonder if this is really the overall portrayal of Oberyn's bastard daughters; grown women acting like a bunch of spoiled angry children.
  • Olenna's advice "You're a dragon; be a dragon" is supposed to be dramatic, but it sounds a lot like a fairly standard meaninglessly meaningful advertising slogan or, worse yet, the requisite mantra of self-affirmation from a motivational book. The fact that within hours HBO was selling t-shirts bearing the phrase also reinforced many people's initial impression that it was written to be on t-shirts.
  • During the ship battle and his nonstop scenery chewing, Euron's eyes often get so large that they look like they're about to pop out of his skull. It makes him look really goofy at times, especially when he captures Yara.
  • Missandei gives a full rendition of Dany's titles and it's a strangely long time before we actually get a clear shot of her in the room, giving the impression that it's coming from some kind of loudspeaker.
  • Daenerys invokes King Torrhen's oath of fealty to Aegon the Conqueror in perpetuity, despite Aerys pretty much voiding it on his end, and when confronted with tries to make peace with a mere apology before reasserting her demands, not to mention that the writers obviously felt they had to spell out what "in perpetuity" meant.
  • Ellaria and Tyene Sand desperately struggling in their chains to try to reach each other while making animalistic sounds due to their mouths being gagged looks a lot like two dogs who met on a walk while on leashes.
  • Euron continues bugging Jaime by asking him for sex tips and whether Cersei likes "a finger in the bum". After Cersei finishes her business with Ellaria Sand, she makes out with Jaime and then, we got a view of his ass where Cersei digs her fingers in. We cut to next morning where Cersei is soundly asleep and Jaime, basking in afterglow, looks at her as if they just had sex on prom night.
  • Olenna suddenly being at Highgarden after being on Dragonstone just last episode can feel ridiculous, as apparently she went to the trouble to go to Dragonstone to say basically nothing and then went all the way back to Highgarden.
  • When Rickon Tarly stands with his father after the Battle of the Goldroad, the way Tyrion urges him 'Don't let it happen again, bend the knee!' sounds like a schoolteacher disciplining a naughty child. Way too hectoring for such a serious situation.
  • The need to squeeze a season's worth of story into seven episodes means that Season 7 features even more absurd Travelling at the Speed of Plot than in previous seasons. The director of "Beyond the Wall" even admitted that he tried to fudge things as much as possible by putting the land beyond the Wall in perpetual twilight, and just had to hope the story would get people invested enough that they'd overlook it. Many could not.
  • Jon knocking on Daenerys' door and the two wordlessly agree to finally resolve the Unresolved Sexual Tension that's been bubbling between them the whole season. The held gazes, the seemingly silent agreement the two come to about consumating their relationship, and Dany shutting the door on the camera, are all straight out of a cheesy romantic movie. It doesn't help that, between how obvious their attraction has been (which other characters have discussed), how powerful a marriage alliance between them would be (which has also been discussed), and how much the writers have been pushing them together, their Relationship Upgrade is much less a dramatic expression of passion and love and more of a Captain Obvious Reveal that viewers all saw coming to the point it was pretty obvious it would happen now in the season finale.
  • Jon's true name is revealed to be Aegon Targaryen... a dramatic moment were it not for the fact that Rhaegar Targaryen's first son was also named Aegon, meaning that Rhaegar (or Lyanna) gave his two sons the exact same name.
  • Bran, the Three-Eyed Raven, has seen many things from the past, especially the fact that Jon is the son of Lyanna. Yet he didn’t see that Rhaegar annulled his first marriage in order to marry Lyanna, and has to be told this by Sam. At that point he reacts with shock and immediately flashes back to the vision, like it’s a note on the fridge he didn’t read properly the first time.
  • The Hound threatening his brother is a blatant shout-out to Cleganebowl fans that their pet theory is coming sometime in the next six episodes... but one that's just confusing for those who don't know the Cleganebowl theoryFrom the books and thus didn't know who the Hound was referring to when he said, "You've known whose coming for you. You've always known." Gregor doesn't respond at all to the Hound talking to him; he just walks up to him, listens to his speech, and returns to his station without making a move or even glaring at him, which just cements that Franken-Gregor is merely a Soulless Shell whose destruction now means little to their relationship, so why even bother with the hype?

     Season 8 
  • Sansa's "what do dragons eat anyway?" comes across as immaturely petty, as if her Skewed Priorities are more concerned with a dragon's diet than the fact that an unstoppable army is heading their way. Daenerys's reply of "anything they want" was similarly met with mockery, giving the impression that she cared more for her dragons eating than for the winter provisions of the people she's supposed to be protecting. In general, the whole scene is unintentionally funny because two powerful women, who've had suffered a whole lot to get where they are, come across as two mean girls snapping at each other in the school's lunch room.
  • The idea that a common blacksmith can cast and forge obsidian into any shape of weapon you desire just like metal can be absolutely laugh-out-loud silly. A few months before the season aired, much of the YouTube userbase found out just how difficult that is when a video about that exact subject was mysteriously recommended to almost everyone.
  • The battle of Winterfell has its moments that make it unintentionally comical:
    • The overall lighting is so dark that the viewers wonder how the characters are seeing anything at all to be terrified.
    • The Hollywood Tactics employed by the armies of the living. The idiocy portrayed makes the whole battle downright comical in a darkly hilarious way.
    • The dead overwhelming the armies of the living would be a terrifying sight to behold if it wasn't for the fact that when cutting to named characters like Jon Snow they simply shamble slow enough to allow him to get away, making the whole scene difficult to take seriously.
    • Dragon fire was shown to go through stone with ease, then in one scene Jon takes cover in some rubble from Viserion's breath with the fire washing over his head by a few centimetres. Even if the stone in question was somehow able to hold, the heat alone should still have burnt him anyway. Instead, he is completely unscathed. Also, for many fans, Jon shouting in defiance to Viserion instead of fighting can be bizarre (yes, the character probably realized there was no escape and opted for Face Death with Dignity, but the execution of the scene is still weird).
    • When the Night King finally dies, all his wights immediately drop to the ground. Several plop down from parapets and other high places in an almost cartoony fashion, and Viserion in particular collapses downward so suddenly and heavily that it's like a gravity well appeared underfoot.
  • Eddard Stark kept Jon Snow's secret for nearly two decades, even keeping the truth from his wife. Thus, when Jon tells his family about his true parentage, the speed in which the secret spreads throughout Winterfell thanks to Sansa is almost comical, especially when each reveal includes something along the lines of "You must swear not to tell anyone."
  • Grey Worm's pursed-lipped, scowly facial expressions throughout the last couple of episodes. He's supposed to seem wracked with grief and anger and he just looks like he's constipated.
  • Euron's last words that he killed Jaime. The fact that tying in a fight with a one-handed cripple is what he's most proud of as he dies instead of killing a dragon or his own brother, becoming King of the Iron Islands, or any of his other numerous atrocities is laughable. Making it worse is that he says it directly into the camera, as if to gleefully spite the viewer.
  • Qyburn's extremely abrupt death, which is more likely to leave the viewer laughing due to Black Comedy rather than shocked. Tellingly, Memetic Mutation kicked in almost immediately, helped along by the fact that the memetic word "YEET" seems tailor-made for Qyburn's thrown-down-the-stairs-like-trash situation.
  • As the 'Cleganebowl' starts happening, Cersei is still there and she awkwardly shuffles down the stairs to get out of the way which makes it look unintentionally like a comedy bit.
  • Arya saying "I know a killer when I see one" regarding Dany is absolutely hilarious, and would be in almost any other context. Many characters in the setting are killers, including Arya herself; the line just doesn't have the same weight that it would have in a different setting. It's even more out-of-place when Arya says it after Dany has immolated a city, making it both obvious and an extreme understatement, thus making it come off as hilarious.
  • Tyrion nominating Bran as King on the grounds that he has the best story, which everyone present just accepts (which includes the Ironborn and Dorne). This is especially jarring as a lot of Bran's storyline was cut out. Tyrion refers to Bran as Bran the Broken and everyone is just going along with this, which comes across more as a mean joke than an actual epithet.
  • The Council scene in the last episode. Bronn somehow becoming Master of Coin and Lord Paramount of the Reach feels especially ridiculous and makes it look like it was just there so he had something to do in the last episode. Earlier in the series, Bronn asks what a loan is, and then suddenly he becomes an equivalent of finance minister.
  • When the script for the final episode went online, much mocking was had over a line that describes Daenerys as "Her Satanic Majesty" for how Anvilicious it was.

