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Justfor Fun / Lines From Media That Should Become Dance Crazes

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This is a Just for Fun list of names that sound like popular dances. Add "Do the", or just "the" to the beginning of each line that you think would sound better with it, or just "do" if they already start with "the". Descriptions of how to do the dances are optional. They should be danced to music by bands with trope name origins:

    open/close all folders 

    Anime and Manga 
  • Do the Blossom Butt Punch - Make a rainbow wave over your head, then knock your fists against your waist.
  • Do the Happy Shower - Sway your fingers in a happy mouth shape, then make a rainbow wave over your head.
  • Do the Marble Screw - Take your best friend's hands and twirl in a circle with her.
  • Do the Miracle Healing - Two people form a circle around a third, who twirls in a circle.
  • Do the Poof Poof Glitter Boots - Hop from one foot to the other and tap your ankles. Preferable done in groups of five.
  • Do the Sky Mirage - Wave your hands up, then do a peekaboo motion.

  • Do the Whip It - (Generally done while holding a whip into your hands).

    Video Games 
  • Do the Slam Bam - Slam into the nearest personnote , then stomp your foot.

     Western Animation 
