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Irony / The Nostalgia Critic

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  • The Critic making fun of the pretentious goth chick from Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 is pretty funny considering Doug Walker himself had posted video evidence that he had a pretentious pseudo-goth phase once.
  • The Take That, Audience! tone of "The Top 11 South Park Episodes" considering Doug had made a Facebook post a week earlier asking commenters to pick a subject for his next top 11.
  • Out of God knows how many, Pearl Harbor is the one rant where he says he's not fucking around, but ended up completely wrong (not only did soldiers not have to learn to swim in those days, but the ship also had other workers) and came off like Eagleland when the movie is desperately trying to glorify America.
  • Real world example. In an interview, Malcolm talked about how he's been watching since the Critic/Nerd videos and that in the beginning he thought that Doug was ripping James off. Now he's working for Doug.
  • Noted by Doug in “The Ice King's Glasses Issue”, the editorial for “When Is A Movie Just A Movie” came out only a couple of days later after people sent him death threats for having Skewed Priorities on Holly Jolly Secrets.
  • In Old vs New: Spider-Man, right after Hyper literally does a I Just Want to Be You by putting on his clothes and deciding to stalk him, Critic complains about imposter accounts who “wanna be [him] so bad they can taste it, and [he tastes] good”.
  • Complaining about perceived Political Correctness on the internet in the Demolition Man review, when even just his mocking Chuck Norris's homophobia and Bay's sexism gets his fandom calling him too PC (as Lindsay has noted), which should show how low the bar is. Rob also mocked this in the real review for “Mortal Kombat”, complaining sarcastically in Take That, Audience! voice that Doug was a social justice warrior just for pointing out how badly Sonya was treated.
  • His The Lorax (2012) review states that the film will be forgotten because it provides nothing of substance for audiences to think about. Years later, people still remember it because of the Memetic Mutation, mostly because of the songs.
  • At the end of Jurassic World, Tamara says no to recreating 50 Shades (being Ana) and the men still stare hopefully at her until she screeches it loud enough and for a third time. The book is famous for ignoring consent so Malcolm and Critic thinking she would break even when she's refused twice is fitting.
  • As Doug pointed out after “Are You Sick of Let It Go”, the whole point of that video was that Critic's an asshole trying to ruin fun while Doug himself can't stop singing the OST. Slightly more seriously, he talked about pushing down his own anxiety with advice very Elsa-like.
    Doug: -there's some kind of urgency back-up that clicks in and says “okay, fear later, you can worry about it later, you're performing, you're having fun, don't let them see you're actually terrified”.
  • In the real thoughts on Sonic shows vlog, Rob's “dirty little secret” is that he never owned a Sega Genesis, despite Santa Christ giving them away.
  • The Osmosis Jones review was done when Doug was feeling like death from con plague. He says in behind the scenes that he hopes people don't give him a load of credit for looking ill considering the film he's doing, because all he wants to do is pass out.
  • In Mad Max: Fury Road, self-aware or not, he complains at fangirls who act like pretty men are a feminist's second coming and ignore everyone else who are more active, when he's enjoyed that same privilege quite a bit.
  • The Foodfight! review assumes that this same review would get few views because of "the Hipster effect." In actuality, it has over 1,500,000 views due to the film's notoriety.
  • It didn't happen, but in the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice behind the scenes, Doug fears that because he's talked about how good the new boom mike has been for sound, he'll have done something wrong and it'll turn out awful.
  • In Ghostbusters, Tamara's cast in the "how dare you see the reboot" role, when she really enjoyed it in real life note . So is Aiyanna, and she loved it too.
