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I Was Beaten By A Girl / Fan Works

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Moments where somebody complains "I Was Beaten by a Girl" in Fan Works.

  • Fates Collide: Archer makes fun of Cu Chulainn for losing a fight to a little girl like Ruby Rose. He protests he was winning until he got blindsided by her flying locker, but Archer tells him not to make excuses.
  • Sora and the Princess of Power: Sora Invokes this when Sea Hawk challenges him to a round of Arm Wrestling, asking Adora to go against the captain in his place because Sora believes him to be the type whose ego would be shattered even more if he lost to a girl.
  • In Takamachi Nanoha of 2814, Superman loses a fight to Vita due to his weakness to magic. Everybody makes fun of him, even Batman.
  • In Yugioh EQG: Shadow Gates, Comet Tail duels Twilight in the first round of the Celestic Cup finals and makes several sexist comments before and during their match. Twilight ends up beating him, much to his anger, and tells him to grow up and stop looking down on girls.

Avatar: The Last Airbender

  • Midway through the Azula Trilogy, Azula has a run-in with a homicidal waterbending pirate. He comes back as The Dragon in the third part, itching for revenge after being beaten by a teenage girl. Fittingly, he just gets his ass kicked by Katara this time.


  • In Power Girl story A Force of Four, all U-Ban can think about when he's being savagely pummelled by Kara is "I'm being beaten by a girl!"
    Kara didn't stop pounding. The knuckles of her right hand acquainted themselves with U-Ban's face again and again and again. Through main effort and determination, he struggled to bring his own hand up. She slapped it away and kept pounding and pounding and pounding. When her right got tired, she took hold of him with that hand and let her left get in some work. There was no time lost in any of these operations. To U-Ban, it was just the same fist hitting him in the face over and over, like a piston from a top-notch but antique Kryptonian motor.
    A girl. A girl was beating the crap out of him.

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba

  • The Color of the World: Nezuko exploits this mentality when she doubles down on her own rehabilitation training in order to motivate Zenitsu and Inosuke, suspecting that seeing a girl surpassing them will help both get more competitive.


  • In A.A. Pessimal's Strandpiel, in their first year at the Assassins' Guild School, the would-be School Bully goes to her two older brothers to complain about the girl in her dorm who not only refuses to be bullied, she expresses pretty firm views on that sort of thing. The older brothers are chastened, humiliated and damaged somewhat in their encounter with Famke Smith-Rhodes-Stibbons, who, along with a friend, delivers a fairly conclusive beat-down, despite not even being twelve. One of the Venturi brothers is a slow learner; as a pre-schooler, Famke's older sister was once incensed enough with him to punch him in the face, this ending a three-year-old's battle over a desired toy.

Ed, Edd n Eddy

  • In a web game featuring Edd versus one of the Kanker sisters, players who lose are scolded for being "trashed by a girl".


  • The Dark Queen: After Akiko beats Yō during one of their sparring matches, Masaomi makes a distinct point of teasing him over the loss.

Lyrical Nanoha

  • In one chapter of Red Jewel Diaries, Vivio and Corona rescue Rio from some mobsters. It's mentioned that their therapy sessions lasted far longer than their prison sentences. Although, given the world they live in, it might have had more to do with the fact that they were nine years old.

Mega Man

Miraculous Ladybug

  • Lady Luck: Chloé tells Marinette that she earned her place at the Ultimate Mech Strike tournament, and that she shouldn't drop out in order to give Max a chance to compete. Especially not after he specifically targeted her as an akuma, ignoring how Adrien had also beaten him.
  • Scarlet Lady casts a spotlight on how Max cared more about Marinette beating him in the game tournament than he did about Adrien doing the same. He has a Heel Realization about this when Scarlet Lady thanks him for focusing exclusively on Marinette while he was akumatized. Hawk Moth is also befuddled by how much Max is obsessed over this.
    Hawk Moth: You do know you were beaten by two people, right?


  • Androgyninja's A Drop of Poison: Kakashi deliberately encourages Sasuke and Naruto to get upset whenever Sakura manages to outdo them at anything, in order to motivate the boys to try harder. This backfires; Sasuke was already a Jerkass who looked down upon Sakura for coming from a civilian family, and this discourages Naruto from asking her for help. This also further convinces Sakura that Kakashi doesn't care about her at all.
  • Three's A Crowd: In an effort to get Sasuke and Uo to treat Sakura with more respect, Kakashi forces her to demonstrate her tree-walking abilities to them. It backfires due to this trope, making their resentment of her much worse.




  • In Emergence, Yang beats Darryl in arm wrestling. He gets so pissed that he attacks her. He didn't know she's a superpowered warrior, and she would have killed him if she hadn't been drunk and if their friends hadn't separated them.

A Song of Ice and Fire

  • The Mountain and the Wolf: On the one hand, the Norscan who challenges Brienne to a wrestling match an is promptly handed his own ass is obviously mocked by the rest of the Norscans, on the other hand, the Wolf actually asked her to participate precisely in order to teach him some humility.
