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I Am Not Shazam / Webcomics

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  • Subverted in Nintendo Super Squad, which attempts to read like a comic drawn by an idiotic thirteen-year-old boy. The comic is about to introduce "Metroid", who the characters all mention is a strong woman who looks great in a bikini, so we naturally assume that Metroid is Samus Aran, the hero of the Metroid games — but when Metroid arrives, she actually is a Metroid, the eponymous monster of the series.
  • El Goonish Shive is apparently its creator's old nickname and has no other connection to the story. They lampshade this in one strip, bringing in a hired goon for one panel to "put the goonish in El Goonish Shive".
  • Parodied in one issue of Mulberry, as the titular heiress watched a show on The CW about her hometown. The nerdy gamer exclaimed at one point, "I've almost rescued Princess BioShock!"
  • In Girly, the lead character Otra constantly attempts to correct people at first to what her real name is after being called "Girly". making her accidentally a Meta Chick
  • Shinka: The Last Eevee. The Eevee's name is Nick. What "Shinka" means hasn't been explained yet.
    • Although now that Nick has evolved into a Leafeon the author has stated that the title doesn't refer to him at all, and is not even the name of a character. It's used in the title because it's the Japanese word for evolution and this is a webcomic that heavily features Eeveelutions. Apparently "shinka" can also mean "one's true worth", so that will probably come into play at a later point if it hasn't already with Nick's evolution.
  • Zig-zagged by Schlock Mercenary. The title means "cruddy mercenary," but "Schlock" is also the name of the amorphous pile-of-poo character, a mercenary whose parents must have hated him. Except he isn't really the main character anymore, having been largely displaced by the captain, whose name is Tagon. So it's somewhat of an Artifact Title, and can be sort of confusing.
  • The chess-player in Clockwork Game is The Automaton, not The Turk.
  • Back when Triangle and Robert was running, a mini-FAQ on the front page said:
    Triangle is the triangle, Robert is the rhombus. Yes, people keep asking.
  • Parodied in xkcd, which made its own version of Frankenstein so that the monster could canonically be called Frankenstein.
  • Subverted in The Princess Planet. Frankenstein's monster points out that since Dr Frankenstein is technically his mother (yes, their version of the mad doctor is female), he would have the same last name.
  • Unaware readers might assume the party of adventurers starring in Looking for Group are the Looking-For Group. This is not the case; the title is solely named for the online-gaming phrase, and has no further relevance to the story — especially considering Ca'le isn't looking for a group past Page One.
  • Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
    • Parodied in "A Frankenstein", where one kid tells another she's going to be "A Frankenstein" for Halloween to get her to correct it's "Frankenstein's Monster" — so that she can explain that the creature in the original was arguably called "Adam Frankenstein", or "A. Frankenstein" for short.
    • Likewise parodied in the strip for 2014-12-02
    "I have done it! I have created a Frankenstein!"
    "Technically, I'm a Frankenstein's monster. You're Frankenstein."
  • The tower if Tower of God is just called the Tower, not the Tower of God, though in the anime adaptation, it is sometimes rarely called the Tower of God as well to make a Title Drop.
