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Hate Sink / Power Rangers

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For a children’s show, Power Rangers racks up a decent amount of darkly detestable characters.

Unmarked Spoilers ahead.

  • The first of the franchise is Darkonda from Power Rangers in Space. Once he debuts, it’s clear by other villains' reactions that a more vile kind of villain has come to the series. His actions are some of the most horrific to date, especially in an era with your typical cartoon Bad Bosses who have at least some redeeming feature in their otherwise evil personalities.
  • Power Rangers Lost Galaxy: Following up Darkonda is the equally duplicitous Deviot. Much like Darkonda, he seems to be designed to stand out in a series in a cast of villains who have someone they care about as well as some sort of line they won't cross, especially in terms of depravity. Every time he speaks honestly (which is rare) it's with a clear sense of entitlement and superiority. He's such an asshole that even after Trakeena kills him, his pure evil and selfishness lives on in Trakeena and drags her down to his level and beyond.
  • Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue: Before Queen Bansheera, the Big Bads of Power Rangers, while not above being Bad Bosses to their underlings, at least had some form of laughable and redeemable trait in their otherwise evil personality. Bansheera is the first Big Bad to defy any good quality, going to great lengths to be reviled in many ways, especially when it comes to her treatment towards her demons, including her own son. Her being sent down the demon chest by a reformed Diabolico and beaten up eternally by the demons is well deserved.
  • Power Rangers Wild Force: What makes Master Org unique among most villains before him was that he used to be a normal human being. He had friends, a career, and the capacity to fall in love. However, when the woman he wanted to marry got married to and had a baby with another man whom he felt stole the spotlight from him, he became hateful and started accusing his former friends of ruining his life and stealing credit for his work. He willfully ate the remains of Master Org, causing Master Org to possess him to murder them and attempt to murder their baby. Years later, he'd try to destroy all of nature and humanity, and even betray his own Orgs, for extremely petty reasons.
  • Power Rangers S.P.D.: Emperor Gruumm has destroyed hundreds of planets, killed nearly the whole population of at least one (because of his personal grudge against Cruger), and treated his minions unfairly. He stands out as one of the most irredeemable villains in the history of the franchise.
  • Power Rangers RPM has lowly mobster boss bully Fresno Bob. While Venjix and his goons are comparatively far worse, Fresno Bob makes up for it by being a lot more unlikable while still being human. At basic.
  • Power Rangers Samurai: Master Xandred doesn't have much likability being an ill-tempered jerkass who treats his minions horribly. While Serrator may have Xandred beat in terms of vileness, Xandred has none of the charisma that made Serrator so entertaining to watch. The only thing going for Xandred is his physical prowess and even that's not enough to ignore Xandred's unpleasant personality.
  • Power Rangers Dino Charge: While Sledge and Heckyl are entertaining villains with several redeeming traits, Lord Arcanon has none. He is a total bastard to even those that work for him, caused genocide on an entire world, and is the reason why Heckyl and Zenowing have evil halves who he doesn't even treat with any respect. As such, there's not much sympathy to be had for him when Sledge and Snide betray and kill him.
  • Power Rangers Ninja Steel: Galvanax has all the clear markings of a detestable villain meant to be reviled by the audience. He lacks the coolness and charm of the previous Big Bad, as well as the cunning and charisma of Madame Odious, has zero redeeming qualities to contrast with being a Bad Boss, and is mourned by nobody, not even the other villains that remain. (While in-universe, he had his fans, it was only for his strength more than anything else)
  • Power Rangers Cosmic Fury has Bajillia Naire, who's basically the alien equivalent of a private military contractor who profits from invading planets and uses her own daughter to further her reputation, and is more willing to backstab anyone, namely Lord Zedd, if it benefits her.
