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Haiku / Tsundere

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Stupid Tsundere!
It isn’t like I like you…
I’m just passing through!

You're an idiot!
Nothing will make me admit
"I kind of like you"

— Anonymous tropette

First, she is sour
Then, she is sweet! But watch out...
She might be crazy!

— zblayde

She says "I love you"
And then, all of a sudden
"Stop talking to me."

— themike

She runs hot and cold.
A staple of animé;
Strangely endearing.

There is a big heart
behind my cold outside,
you moron.
—>Adele Potter

You are a baka.
You don't realize my feelings.
But still, I love you.

Write me a poem
(as if that would impress me)
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