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Haiku / Naruto

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Ninja in orange
A demon in his stomach
Wants to be leader
LE Xicon 712

Blondie prankster kid
Shapeshifts into busty girls
Demon fox? Really?

Dude with god complex
Left Konoha a crater
Got owned by a book.

Awesome blue shark guy
Died in an anticlimax
Got his head chopped off


Kids were friends/rivals
They became best enemies
Obsession ensued.—Zerah 92

A Theory About A Missing Mom I Like To Call "Hikari Hyuga":

A good twist to pull?
Hinata's mother was the
Actual target.

A suitor sought war
Because Hiashi stole her
And said, "I've had it."

So, he pulled some strings
And made it seem like the Cloud
Sought the Byakugan.

He poisoned her
Then staged a phony Cloud coup
To cover his tracks.

"Who cares if those two
Go to war?" He cruelly jests.
"They've had it coming."

"History will look
Back upon this day and pin
The blame elsewhere."

"And I will gaze upon
All their ignorant assumptions
With a tacit smirk."

"The Cloud ninja
I sent is fodder. He'll die.
The Cloud will want blood."

"An eye for an eye
Will mean the Hyuga's head will
Be the recompense."

"This way, I get two
For the price of one! Hiashi
AND Hikari will fall!"

But the plan backfired:
Hizashi just took his place
Spanner in the Works.

Still, a half-revenge
Was better than none at all.
He was satisfied.

He played his cards well
And none would be the wiser.
Best not to risk more.

Hikari had died;
Her husband, widowed, bitter—
Looked down at his kids

And was reminded.
Reminded of what he lost.
He took it out on them.

"Perhaps this is better,"
The suitor mulls to himself.
"Hiashi will live in grief...

"He's sure to give his
Family hell as he struggles
With the heartbreak."

"May the Hyuga now
Lead a cursed existence.
Enjoy all my spite."

And thus Hiashi
Thinks the conflict is gone...
While the suitor gloats

Satisfied because
If he couldn't have her, then...
No one could... NO ONE.
