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Emotion Eater / Marvel Universe

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Marvel Universe

  • Captain Britain: Scatterbrain, AKA Fascination, of the Technet (and later/earlier, of the time-traveling Special Executive). Her reliance on emotional nutrition, good, bad, or anything-except-indifferent, sometimes has her following around characters because they're annoyed — which makes her follow them more closely — which makes them more annoyed, etc., etc. Which... doesn't always work that well for her, like the time she did it to Captain Britain, who got so irritable that he started waving his arms around as he walked. One "KLUDD!" later, and Scatterbrain was sprawled crosseyed against the far wall.
  • Cloak and Dagger:
    • The Marvel Super Heroes supplement The Uncanny X-Men boxed set (1990) Roster Book says that Cloak's powers are based on his control of a gateway to an extradimensional space. That space contains a monster that increases and feeds off of the fear of any being that enters the space.
    • The demon D'Spayre feeds on the fear, anguish, and despair of his victims.
  • The Mighty Thor: Mangog depends on the emotions of others to exist. Without those, it fades from existence. However, it can't just feed off anyone and needs a specific source.
  • Spider-Man:
    • The symbiote apparently feeds off negative emotions. One of the side effects of being its host is that said emotions are amplified.
    • A miniseries had "cousins" of the symbiotes that fed on pleasure instead. The character in possession of one implicitly kept hers fed through the pleasure of self-righteousness.
    • Minor and obscure Spider-Man villain Mindworm, named for another esoteric psychic vampire mentioned under Literature, was born a mutant with a large head that parasitically fed off the emotions of people around him. He accidentally drained his mother to death and his father was Driven to Suicide right after. When encountering Spider-Man he is at first interested in the hero's strong emotion as he foils his feeding on the neighborhood. Then he just wanted to silence that mind forever.
  • X-Men:
    • When she first appeared in the mutant books, the mutant rock star Lila Cheney was pursued several times by an alien crime lord named Spyder who wanted to own her. (He ran several black market and slave trading operations, and had actually captured Lila for another group of aliens then arranged for her to escape on purpose simply to get out of the contract because he wanted Lila for himself.) One of many uses Spyder had for humanoid beings was to distill their emotions and turn them into a tobacco-like substance that he smoked to experience the emotion himself, as he could not experience any emotion himself except greed. Spyder was addicted to this stuff, claiming that even experiencing negative emotions like sadness and anger gave him pleasure.
    • The supporting character Caliban feeds off fear as part of his mutant power. He's basically a good guy, except for the times when he isn't.
