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Drinking Game / The Room (2003)
aka: The Room

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Drinking Game for The Room. This game is best played with Scotchka. And a designated sober to get you to the hospital when you inevitably contract alcohol poisoning:

  • Whenever a character says "Oh hi, (character name)", drink.
  • Whenever Lisa and Claudette are about to have a heart-to-heart talk, take a sip.
    • Be sure to take a gulp when Lisa explicitly states that she doesn't love Johnny any more.
  • Take a sip whenever Johnny laughs.
    • Take another when he says "huh".
  • When a blatantly unnecessary scene draws to a close, down your drink.
  • Drink when a character shows up with no introduction.
  • Drink when Mark says "What's going on?" whilst Lisa is trying to seduce him.
    • Hell, drink whenever a character says one of their catchphrases
  • Take one sip for every time a character, including Mark and Johnny, say that Mark/Johnny is "best friends" with Johnny/Mark.
  • Drink whenever a character says some variant of "don't worry about it" or "everything will be fine."
  • Drink when the characters are playing football.
  • Drink water after being shown parts of San Francisco.
  • Throw some spoons whenever you see spoons, and then take a drink.
  • Drink whenever a character shills Johnny in some way.
  • Take a sip whenever Denny says something slightly creepy ("I just like to watch you guys!")
  • Take a sip whenever a character (do NOT chain sips for two or more characters taking this action together, treat the shared action as a singular one) obviously enters or exits the rooftop by the implausible, space-time dimensions breaking vehicle of the awkward tinpot shed in the corner.
  • Take a sip every time someone refers to Johnny or Lisa as the other's "future husband" or "future wife".
  • Take a big gulp on the most famous line in the movie, "You're tearing me apart, Lisa!"
  • When Johnny dies, take two shots.

If played correctly, you shall be utterly plastered just in time for the first agonizing sex scene.

Alternative Title(s): The Room
