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Drinking Game / Splatoon
aka: Splatoon 2

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This will be continually updated as new game modes and other content are added via free updates. Most of these may also apply to the sequels as well, with the substitution of characters as necessary.

Ideally, use a drink that is the same color as one of the possible inkling ink colors.

    open/close all folders 
    Inkopolis Plaza, Inkopolis Square, or Splatsville 
Take a drink every time:
  • The Squid Sisters, Off the Hook, or Deep Cut news broadcast is on.
    • Take a drink when Callie asks Marie for a strategy on a map, and Marie gives unhelpful or Captain Obvious advice. Ditto for Pearl asking Marina.
    • Take a drink when a pun is involved.
    • Take a sip when Marie or Marina makes fun of Callie or Pearl or points out an embarrassing incident Callie or Pearl is involved in.
    • Down the bottle if after the broadcast finishes, the time for the broadcast update rolls in, and you get another broadcast. (Does not apply in 2.)
  • You inspect an inkling buddy and find a piece of gear that you like, and end up ordering it from Spyke or Murch.
    • Take another drink if you proceed to Spyke or Murch and you can't afford the item you ordered yesterday, or find his prices outrageous.
  • Speaking of Spyke and Murch, take a drink every time you have either of them reroll the skills in your gear and are unsatisfied with the new skills.
  • Take a drink if you ordered some gear from SplatNet 2 and attempt to purchase it from Murch, only to find out you already have a better version of that gear.
  • You cash out your vibe from Judd. A larger payoff deserves more!
    • One drink for Toasty.
    • Two drinks for Smokin'.
    • Three drinks for So Hawt!!
    • For 2, instead drink every time you receive a freshness bonus - one for Raw, two for Fresh and three for SUPERFRESH!
  • You find a post related to The Legend of Zelda, Squid Girl, Super Smash Bros., or other posts that are related to sea creatures and cephalopods.
    • For Spongebob Squarepantsnote , reduce to a sip unless you want to die from alcohol poisoning.
  • You find a post that's related to Undertale.
    • Also drink if you see an amongi.
    • Take a shot instead if it has absolutely nothing to do with Splatoon.
  • Take a shot if you find a post that's related to Arknights.
  • Take a drink if a post mentions the poster's sexuality.
  • Take a drink if you see a detailed/realistic drawing that was made with a program, or with the help of one.
  • Take a drink if an image is a Discord server invitation.
    • Take a drink for every post complaining about Discord invites.
  • Take a shot if a post is overtly sexual or clearly fetish art.
  • You find a post of a meme.
    • Take another drink if you found it hilarious. Just take care not to spit out the drink in the process.
    • Also take another if it's a Loss meme.
  • Take a shot for every post that is a complaint directed at the developers (such as demanding anti-cheat measures).
  • Take a sip for every post that encourages players to "Booyah" back. Take another one every time the post complains about players who don't Booyah back.
  • Toast every time you find art that you really like. If you know the artist, buy them a drink.
  • Take a sip whenever you see a locker with a giant moai head in it. Happy cirrhosis!

Take a drink whenever:
  • Moe or Craymond insults someone.
  • Moe falls off Annie's head.
  • You try to buy an item that you already have or is sold out.
  • Sheldon refers to his weapons expert grandfather.
  • Sheldon offers you a new weapon unlock.
    • Take another if you actually like it and buy it immediately.
  • The shirt Jelonzo or Jelfonzo is wearing is in the store.
  • You or your inkling is wearing the same shirt as Jelonzo or Jelfonzo.
  • If an item you didn't purchase from yesterday is on sale.
  • At least two of the items have the same primary gear bonus.
    • Another if they're the same rank.
  • If you already own at least 4 of the clothes on sale.
  • You consume a drink from the Crust Bucket and, for the drink's duration, never get a sub-ability pertaining to that drink. (Cuttlegear, Squidforce, Famitsu, amiibo, and Nintendo are exempt.)

    Hero Mode 
Take a drink whenever:
  • Captain Cuttlefish or Marie...
    • Gives you a tip.
      • Another if you already know this basic piece of information.
    • Points out that squids can't swim. (Heh heh.)
    • Congratulates you on wiping out a squad of Octarians.
    • Is kidnapped. Including when re-fighting DJ Octavio. (Does not apply to Marie.)
  • Agents 1 and 2...
  • An Octoling shows up.
    • Another if you are splattered by one.
    • Two more if you are splattered by a grenade.
  • You fall off a Bottomless Pit or into water.
  • You pick up a powerup. (Special Weapon or Armor)
    • Another drink if you are splattered while holding on to the Special Weapon.
    • Celebrate with a drink for each 10 eggs you get at the end of level screen for finishing with armor or an unused Special Weapon.
  • You pick up a stuffed toy Zapfish.
  • You see upside-down dialog boxes.
  • You try to climb up a wall and a Squee-G annoys you.
    • The Industrial Squee-G goes a direction unrelated to the way you want to go because another is blocking its path. Just one drink, however, or you won't make it through the stage.
  • You find a Sunken Scroll or Sardinium. Take a second drink if you find them both on the same attempt.
  • Sheldon forces you to use a specific weapon in 2. Take another if it's a weapon you don't like. And yet another if you feel like you'd have less trouble with the stage or boss if he would just let you use another weapon.

    Online Multiplayer 
Take a drink whenever:
  • A team has no Shooter users. Take another if it's your team.
  • You're the only person on your team that's using a Shooter weapon.
  • If you or the enemy's team consists only of Aerospray RG, .52/.92 Gal, N-Zap '89, Krak-On Splat Roller, and/or E-liter 3K or 4K (any variant).
  • If you're playing Tower Control and at least three people are using Luna Blaster. Take one more for any additional Luna Blaster users.
  • The match begins with a "Booyah!" signal.
  • A match begins and one of the players is absent. Down the bottle if they disappear during the intro.
  • All your teammates rush to the center along the exact same path. Another if you also did it.
  • No one on the team covers the ground near their spawn during a Turf War. Take two if you're the only that's covering the ground there.
  • More than one person covers the ground near the spawn. Down the bottle if the entire team does it.
  • One of your teammates is just standing around doing nothing for the first few seconds.
  • Someone puts a Squid Beakon right next to the team's spawn.note 
  • You splat someone with the Splash Wall. Two shots if you get splatted by an enemy wall. Finish the drink out of stupidity if you accidentally run into it.
  • Your shots get blocked by a teammate. Take two if you're using a Charger.
  • A teammate is just walking across their team's ink instead of firing their weapon or swimming in it as a squid.
  • A teammate takes the exact same path as another during the beginning of the match instead of splitting up to cover more ground. Take two if three teammates take the same path.
  • Take a sip if you get splatted from behind. This one happens to everybody.
  • You hear the crack sound from the Charger or Blaster play when you hit an enemy, only for the enemy to survive by using a Bubbler, the Kraken, Ink Armor, or the Baller.
    • The crack sound plays when you appear to splat someone, but a teammate is awarded the splat instead.
    • Or you got a clean shot, the game thinks you hit the opponent, you hear the crack sound, but they just keep moving around like nothing ever happened because of lag.
  • You get splatted by a special weapon.
    • Another if you are hit by a Crosshair Aware Special Weapon like the Inkstrike, Killer Wail, Tenta Missiles, or Splashdown.
    • Finish a bottle if you both use your respective special weapons and you Mutual Splatter each other.
  • You dodge an enemy's special weapon and run it out. note 
    • Another if you splatter the same Bad Guy right after their special weapon runs out.
  • You use a special weapon, take one drink for each enemy you splat with it.
    • If you're using the Inkzooka or Kraken, take a sip every time you miss an attack.
  • If you are splatted while your Special Weapon meter is full.
    • Another if you are splattered WHILE using the Special Weapon. Another if you are splattered when you just activated the Special Weapon (doesn't apply to Bubbler, Kraken and Echolocator).
    • Yet another if you get splattered but your Ink Strike or pack of Tenta Missiles launches anyway.
  • You use the Bubbler, Baller, or Ink Armor, but die anyway because you got pushed off the stage.
  • You see someone shoot a player that's using the Bubbler or the Kraken. Take another if the shooting player gets splatted. Down the bottle if they succeed in pushing them off the stage.
  • You see two Krakens attack each other instead of someone else.
  • You not only manage to dodge a Kraken, you splat them once it wears off.
  • If you are using a roller-class weapon, take a drink whenever a head-on collision causes both of you to be splatted.
  • If you are using a roller-class weapon, take a drink whenever you splatter an opponent by whacking them with the roller itself, and not the ink flicked off of it.
  • If you are using a roller-class weapon, take a drink whenever you splat someone by running over them. Take another if they were hiding in their ink. Finish the drink if you do it with either a roller that can't one-hit-kill (Ex. Carbon Roller). Down the bottle if you do with a Dynamo Roller or Inkbrush.
  • A Roller user is trying to run over someone when swinging the weapon would clearly be more effective. Take another if the Roller user gets splatted.
  • In Bluefin Depot, three of your teammates are focusing on one half of the stage. Take two if the entire team focuses on just one half, leaving the other half unguarded. Down the bottle if the enemy proceeds to sneak up on your team through the unguarded path.
  • Take a couple drinks if you get splatted with an Inkstorm.
  • On Moray Towers, take as many drinks as there are Chargers on the enemy team. Take an extra one for every E-Liter on the enemy team. You'll need them.
  • In Turf Wars, take one drink if Inkstrikes or Tenta Missiles are used within the last seconds of the match.
    • Take another if those last strikes mattered. Alternatively, take a drink if the match was decided solely because a bomb that was thrown at the very last moment exploded after time was called.
    • And another to drown your sorrows if you lost this way.
    • If you're trying to join a friend, take a drink if you end up stuck in queue. Take another for every subsequent match that transpires without you joining in. Finish your drink if your friend decides to leave before you can finally play together.
  • In Splat Zones:
    • Take a drink (two if two splat zones) if your team didn't take control of a splat zone/s at least once.
    • Take a quick sip if your team was ahead by 50 points or more but the opposing team overtakes you.
    • If someone uses Curling Bombs to ink a path to the splat zone(s), buy them a drink.
  • In Tower Control:
    • Take a sip any time you have difficulty climbing the side of the tower. Take a second one if it’s because an opponent was inking the wall you’re trying to climb. Finish the drink if you’re splatted in the process.
    • Take a sip when you're riding the tower and you're forced off by a sub-weapon or special weapon.
      • If it was an Ink Mine, take 2.
    • Take a drink if you and an opponent spend at least 5 seconds trying (and failing) to splat each other on top of the tower. (The pole in the middle causes more shots to not hit the opponent than usual.)
    • Take a drink if there's an enemy Splash Wall on it.
    • Take a drink when you jump to what seems to be a teammate on the tower... and the game makes you miss it completely.
    • Take a drink when you jump to the tower and get splatted instantly.
    • Finish your drink when any team uses any form of invincibility to push the tower to the goal.
    • Celebrate and finish your drink when your team gets a Miracle Rally in Overtime and wins. If it's the opponent's team with the miracle win instead, it's time to drown your sorrows, finsh the bottle.
  • In Rainmaker:
    • Take a celebratory drink when you manage to carry the Rainmaker to the goal and score.
    • Take a sip for every 5 seconds you and an opponent spend fighting to break the Rainmaker's shield first.
    • Take a sip if an enemy steals the Rainmaker after you break the shield.
    • Take a sip if you tried to Super Jump to a teammate or use your sub/special weapons but got weighed down by the Rainmaker.
    • Take a drink if your team takes the Rainmaker back to your base instead of the enemy's. Finish it if the enemy takes advantage of that to win the match.
    • Take a drink if an unshielded Rainmaker goes untouched for at least 20 seconds. (Don’t try this in ‘’Splatoon 2’’: The Rainmaker will reset back to the middle before 20 seconds are up.)
    • Take a drink if you get instantly splatted as soon as you touch the Rainmaker.
    • Take a drink if you never splatted anyone on the enemy team with the Rainmaker.
    • On the other hand, take two if you nailed the whole team with one Rainmaker shot. Celebrate with another if you got it to their base right after that.
    • Take a drink if someone gets splatted by the shield when it explodes. Finish your drink if you get splatted by the shield instead.
    • Take a drink if the shield pushes you into water or a bottomless pit.
    • Take two drinks if you get Squashed Flat by the Rainmaker's shield.
    • Take three drinks if you time-out the Rainmaker and self-destruct. Take an extra drink for every teammate you splat in the process. Take one extra drink on top of that for a total party kill.
    • Down the bottle if your team suffered a total party kill that allowed the enemy team to win uninterrupted. Take two drinks if your team was the one who delivered the total party kill and won.
    • Finish your drink if either team gets the Rainmaker to the enemy base in under a minute. Down another bottle in frustration if it was the other team.
      • Double the drink amounts if it was under the Switch's video capture limit of 30 seconds.
    • Take a drink if the person holding the Rainmaker (on either team) is more focused on splatting enemies than carrying it to the goal.
      • Take another drink if a teammate holding the Rainmaker decides to hide somewhere and run out the timer. Finish the drink if your team was behind when they were doing it.
      • OR take the second drink if a teammate is very eager to take the Rainmaker and insists on bringing it somewhere impractical for your team but good for the other team (such as the left corner in Kelp Dome or the area left of the central bridge in Sturgeon Shipyard).
    • Take a drink if anyone is right next to the goal and/or already planting the rainmaker before getting splatted. Another drink if it was you.
      • And then drown your sorrows by downing the bottle if the enemy team comes back from that with a knockout.
    • Take a drink if you’ve found a path the opponents aren’t taking and you carry the Rainmaker across that path…but none of your teammates know what you’re doing or where you’re going and assume you’ll take the usual Path of Most Resistance.
    • Take a celebratory drink if you or a teammate got the Rainmaker to the goal because someone on your team created a path right to it with the Baller.
  • In Clam Blitz (Splatoon 2 only):
    • Take a drink whenever someone on your team makes a last-ditch attempt to throw the Power Clam in the basket, only to miss and get splatted.
    • Conversely, take a drink if the enemy makes a last-ditch shot, and is splatted when the Clam is already breaking the barrier.
    • If a teammate passes Clams to you and it causes you to form a Power Clam, instead of taking a drink, feel free to do a Spit Take.
    • If a teammate seems to be making every effort to dodge your passes, especially if it would give them a Power Clam, go ahead and just start drowning your sorrows.
    • Take a drink from frustration any time you see a teammate attempt to shoot ink at either basket or attempt to throw a Power Clam into their own basket.
    • Take a drink if opponents are throwing clams into your team's basket and one or more of your teammates are sitting by the other basket waiting for it to open up. Finish it if you lose the match because the other team could gather enough Clams to win by knockout.
    • Take a sip for each time you see a Clam and you're going to pick it up, only for a teammate to dash in from offscreen and snatch it instead.
    • Take a drink for each time one team has 3 or more Power Clams at the same time, with an additional drink for each Power Clam added beyond that. This Is Gonna Suck for the other team, all right.
  • For every minute past five you spend waiting for a match, take a drink. Two drinks if connection is lost.
  • Take a drink if you get booted back to the lobby because not enough people joined your group before the match setup timer went to zero.
    • Take another if there were enough people for a match but the timer counted down to zero anyway.
  • If a communications error occurs during a match, drink depending on the situation before the error. If it causes you not to increase your level or rank, or your rank falls a stage because of it, take another drink on top of that.
    • If a regular battle was just starting, take a small drink.
    • If you were losing a regular match, take two small drinks.
    • If you were winning a regular match, take a large drink.
    • If a ranked match was not near the end, take two drinks to get over being annoyed by the unnecessary loss of rank points.
    • If you were about to lose a ranked match, take a small drink. No reason to be upset about ranking points you were going to lose anyway.
    • If you were about to win a ranked match, take two large drinks.
    • If the communications error happens after a match already has finished, but before you see the results, finish your drink.
    • If the communications error results in you getting temporarily banned, take a few drinks to ease the pain.
  • Take a sip for each pair of people in the room (yourself included) in which one member is below Level 10 and the other is Level 40 or above. This Is Gonna Suck for the low-leveled people.
  • If you land on or right in front of a Seeker or Autobomb after Super Jumping. Two if you had Stealth Jump making the bomb’s presence entirely coincidental.
  • Take a sip if you see your ink stop applying to any surfaces.
    • Take an extra sip if you get stuck in enemy ink or another tight spot because of it. Have a third if you get splatted because of it.
    • Take a drink if you're using either a Roller, a Brush or a Kraken when this happens.
    • Take a celebratory drink if you manage to sweep an escape route with a Brush. Take two drinks out of frustration if you run out of ink.
    • Finish your drink if you get DCed after all of this. Nobody deserves a disconnect.
  • If you're splatted while firing at a Sprinkler or Beakon. Two if you failed to destroy it.
  • If you get splatted by a Sprinkler. Take two if you were trying to destroy it.
    Pearl: What are the three most embarrassing words in the Inkling language?
    Marina: "Splatted by Sprinkler."
  • Finish your drink if you get splatted by ink rebounded from one of the Ancho-V games propellers.
  • If you're firing at a Beakon and a (Stealth) Jumper lands on it. This does not apply in 2.
  • If you fire an Inkstrike, Killer Wail or Sting Ray at a distant Beakon and inadvertently splat someone that had jumped to it after you fired.
    • Take three more shots if your Inkstrike or Killer Wail destroys the Beakon, only for it to get near-instantly replaced because of said jumper.
  • Take a shot if you're playing with friends in Turf War and get put on opposite teams. Take another drink every time you splat each other.
  • Take a drink if you respawn after someone seabags you. Reduce it to a sip if the seabagger gets splatted.
    • Take two drinks if you get splatted while seabagging.
      Marie: It's all fun and games until I splat you in the face!
  • Take a drink if you see a Kraken fall through the grating. Take another drink if they fell off the map or into a water hazard because of this and were forced to respawn. If this happens to you, empty the glass.
    • Drown your sorrows with the rest of the glass if the Kraken splats you from below after doing this. Empty another glass if they're still a Kraken when this happens.
  • Take a drink if one of your teammates seabags during the whole match and covers very little ink.
    • Take another drink if your other teammates do this.
    • Down the whole bottle if everyone in the match does this. note 
  • An update nerfs a weapon you regularly use. Take another drink if you end up giving up the weapon because of the nerf.
  • Take a sip if you escape from a Kraken only for it to suddenly revert in front of you. Then open fire on the poor sap.
    • Finish your drink if they splat you anyway.
  • Take a drink for every 3 of the same sub ability an enemy uses.
    • Take four if they have all 9 sub slots be the same ability.
  • Take a drink if the enemy has two of the same main ability.
  • Take a drink when an enemy is wearing Rainbow Pimp Gear.
    • Take another if their abilities aren't that great.
  • Take a drink if someone is trying to splat someone about to land from a Super Jump, only for the other person to splat them with Splashdown.
    • Take another drink if the Splashdown user gets nuked because their target detonated the Baller.
  • Take a drink if you get splatted by the Tri-Slosher. Take another if you yourself are using a Tri-Slosher.
  • Take a drink and gargle it if you get splatted by the Bloblobber.
  • Take a drink if you get splatted by an Autobomb that you didn't notice until it already splatted you.
    • Take another if you were using a Charger.
      • Down the bottle if your Charger was scoped.
  • Take a drink if you’re playing on The Reef, you are underneath the bridge, and you get splatted by Tenta Missiles became they came at you from an angle.
  • Take a drink if you managed to splat someone in an unlikely way with a special weapon:
    • With the Ink Storm.
    • With the Baller through colliding with or falling on top of someone without detonating it.
    • Through the Inkjet’s exhaust (much harder after the 1.3.0 update).
    • Through contact damage with a Bubble Blower’s bubble without it popping.
  • As of Octo Expansion Update:
    • Take a sip when an Octoling is in your team. Take another if you are the Octoling.
    • Take a four sips when your whole team are Octolings. Finish your drink when both teams are Octolings. (Doesn't apply in the Squid vs. Octopus Splatfest)
  • League Battle:
    • Take a drink if you ask your friends (e.g. in a Discord server) if they want to play League...only for exactly two of them to accept the invite, resulting in a League-incompatible 3-player group.
    • Take a drink every time you encounter players with clan tags.
      • Take a second drink if your team also has clan tags.
    • Take a drink every time you encounter players whose names spell out a phrase. Take two if it's in the wrong order.
    • Take a drink if the current stage rotation ends before you finish your calculation matches.
    • Take a drink every time you encounter a team that's all using the same weapon type. Take a second drink if it's the exact same weapons barring side-loadout variations. Finish your drink if they win anyway.
    • Finish your drink if you go 0-7 in your calculation matches.
  • Anarchy Battle — Series (3 only):
    • Take a drink if you take three losses before you finish your series.
      • Finish your drink if you didn't win any matches at all.
      • Take a drink if you still have a net gain in your points from earning badges.
    • Related to the above, take three drinks if you lose a Rank-Up Battle.
      • Drown your sorrows with the whole bottle if the final loss was due to a communication error.
    • Turn off your console and go to a bar if you get into point debt. Inversely, have a victory swig if you manage to pull yourself out of point debt.
  • Toast if you get your catalog to Level 100. You've earned it.
  • Also, pour out some champagne if you earn a five-star badge for a weapon.
  • Take a sip for every player who did not take your Tacticooler drink. Upgrade it to a drink if they did take it... but then proceeded to immediately get splatted.
  • Laugh and take a sip if you were able to survive enemy fire by hiding behind a Tacticooler. On the flip side, groan and take 4 sips if the enemy got protected by their Tacticooler.
  • Take a swig in dejection if you go to drink from a Tacticooler, but somebody splats you in the interval between the can leaving the Tacticooler and the drink making it to your person, blowing through a can for nothing.
  • Have a swig if you manage to dodge an Ultra Stamp that obviously should have splatted you, but didn't due to Hitbox Dissonance.
  • Take a victory drink if you manage to splat a Crab Tank from behind.
  • Cackle and take a sip if you witness a Reefslider getting splatted before it could even start moving. Bonus points if you were the one who stopped it.
  • Give an Evil Laugh and take a hearty swig every time someone drives a Reefslider on Mahi-Mahi Resort straight into the water in the middle of the stage and immediately drowns as a result. Cry and take a drink if it was you.
  • For Splattershot Nova players who are really looking to get liver failure, take a drink for every Point Sensor you throw.
  • Facepalm and take a drink if you manage to hit an enemy once with the Snipewriter 5H, but then flunk all of the other shots. Take 5 if you couldn't hit them even once.
  • When someone uses the Ink Vac, take a drink if:
    • They get splatted anyway because someone attacked them from behind.
    • It gets wasted because someone used a special the Ink Vac can't absorb, like the Kraken Royale, Reefslider, or Ultra Stamp.
    • A Splatana player bypasses the funnel and wastes the Ink Vac with a single charged slash.
    • They absorb a Booyah Bomb. Down another shot in sorrow if it was yours, or drink it in triumph if you caught the Booyah Bomb.
    • They use it to absorb a Crab Tank's shots or an Inkjet's exhaust.
    • They swallow an Ink Storm drone before it hits the ground.
    • They catch another Ink Vac's shot.
    • If it's fully charged, take a drink if:
      • They get splatted before they can fire it.
      • They do fire it, but fail to hit anyone. Take another if they got splatted in the process.
      • The Ink Vac user gets splatted, but the person that splatted them also gets splatted by the Ink Vac's projectile.

    Salmon Run 
Take a drink if:
  • Someone got the least Golden Eggs and Power Eggs at the end of the game by a significant margin.note  Add another if they also got splatted the most.
  • Someone got the most Golden Eggs and Power Eggs at the end of the game by a large margin. Take another in celebration if it was you.
  • Your team gets wiped out on the last wave. Take two if it was the second wave, and three if it was the first wave.
  • Your team gets wiped out with less than 10 seconds left in the third wave, and you had enough Golden Eggs to win. Take two if less than 5 seconds left, and 3 if right at the last second.
  • Your team doesn't get enough Golden Eggs to clear the wave. Down the bottle if your team fails to get even one Golden Egg and Mr. Grizz tells you to Read the Freaking Manual (which may be possible if you're all playing this drinking game).
  • You get splatted by a Cohock. Take two if you get splatted by a Chum, and down the glass if you get splatted by a Smallfry.
  • You get pushed into the water.
  • The one with the Glowflies rushes forward. Take another if they're armed with a Charger or Blaster. Spit the drink back into the glass if they're using a Roller.
  • You're aiming a bomb at a Flyfish launcher and a Salmonid hits you just as you throw, making you miss. Take two if your bomb lands in the launcher, only for it to bounce out.
    • Take a celebratory drink if you and your team defeat a Flyfish the first time it opens its launchers. Down the whole bottle in joy if you and your team defeat two Flyfishes within two seconds of each other.
    • If multiple people throw a splat bomb into the same launcher, take a shot for each person, ranging from two to four.
    • Take a celebratory drink and laugh if you destroy a Flyfish with one of the few main weapons that can do so (Explosher and Grizzco Slosher).
  • You lose a high-tide wave involving Grillers.note 
  • You are targeted by two or more Stingers at once.
  • Your weapon loadout includes a Scrappy Weapon. Take another if you get assigned that weapon.
  • Everyone gets wiped at the same time on any wave. Take another if it was during the first one. Down the bottle if you got absolutely no Golden Eggs.
  • You get any combination of Grillers, Fog, High Tide, the Inkbrush and the E-Liter 4K. You'll need it.
  • Someone starts opening manholes and spawning enemies during the Goldie event while Golden Eggs are still uncollected.
  • The person being targeted by a Griller stays next to the rest of the team instead of moving away.
  • In a Giant Tornado wave, where one Golden Egg is credited as two, double all drink amounts.
    • Down every bottle of booze in the house if you somehow fail the wave.
  • You try to board one of the moving platforms in Salmonid Smokeyard during High Tide, only for a teammate to move it before you get on it. Take two if you end up falling in the water as a result.
  • Someone drowns in the water at High Tide before the wave starts.
  • A Maws wastes your time by taking much longer to attack than it should.
  • You try to throw a bomb where a Maws will emerge, but it doesn't make it because another Salmonid got in the way.
  • You hit a Drizzler's bomb right back at it, only for another Salmonid to block it.
  • A Drizzler shoots its bomb to a location that makes it functionally impossible to shoot the bomb back at it in time.
  • Toast if you jump into the water and it saves your team from failing the wave. Note that this won't work in 3.
  • You kill a Stinger one pot at a time because you're using a Roller, Brush, or Charger and no one else was willing to do so.
  • A Snatcher flies by and blocks a bomb you were throwing at a Flyfish. Take two if it was a Triple Inkstrike beacon, and down the glass if it was a Booyah Bomb.
  • A Snatcher flies by or toward the Egg Basket with a large number of Golden Eggs. Take two if it gets away before it could be splatted.
  • Someone splats a Snatcher gathering Golden Eggs even though the Snatcher would have flown toward the Egg Basket.
  • Down the glass, pour another, and down that one too if a Fish Stick splats you.
  • More than one person is using the Big Shot cannon to fire eggs toward the basket. Take two if it's three people, and down the glass if the whole team is doing it.
  • You get a Slammin' Lid to squish a Boss Salmonid. Take another if you got squished as well.
    • Take another in triumph if it was a Flyfish; half if one of the launchers was already destroyed.
  • Don't take any drinks during a "Hazard Level MAX" shift. You'll need to be sober to win.
  • You throw a Golden Egg at Cohozuna, only for it to jump just before the egg reaches it.
  • You can't reach any Golden Eggs because Cohozuna is standing on them.
  • You deal the last blow to a King Salmonid via normal fire, instead of lobbing an Egg at it.
  • For every five seconds remaining on the clock, rounded down, after defeating a King Salmonid, take half a shot.
  • Take a celebratory sip every time you pop a Horrorboros' bomb, and upgrade that to a shot if it wipes out the last of its health bar.
  • Take a shot and laugh if Horrorboros wastes its bomb by throwing it into the water.
  • You get Megalodontia to splat a Boss Salmonid. Take two if it's a hard to kill one like a Flyfish or a Drizzler.
  • Take a shot if you guzzle both of your specials in one wave, earnestly believing that it was the final wave, only to find out that it was only Wave 2.
  • Double your drinks if you decide to go on a Salmon Run after defeating Mr. Grizz. There will be no severance pay or bonuses for you...
  • Take a big chug if a Big Run event is active, two if the stage it is set on is one you enjoy playing in multiplayer.

As these are special occasions, be sure to spice up your drinks with something fancy!

In addition to all the rules for Online Multiplayer:

  • Take a sip if the Splatfest is being sponsored by a third party. Take another if you're a fan of said third party!
  • Take a drink if you picked a team not because you genuinely like it but instead:
    • You like the color of the tee and ink.
    • You intend to sabotage the team.
    • You prefer the Squid Sister/Off the Hook/Deep Cut member supporting the team over the other.
    • You couldn't decide and had to do a coin flip or roll a die to decide.
    • You think it'll be the more popular choice and you expect it to win because of that. However, see below to drink depending on the results.
    • You think it'll be the less popular choice and you expect it to win from battle victories.
  • Drink if you get into a 10x Battle.
    • Take a sip if you win a Festival shell.
    • Take a bigger drink if get into a 100x Battle.
    • Don't if you get into a 333x Battle. Stay focused!
  • Take a drink if the winning idol is a bad winner and/or the losing idol (or idols) is a sore loser.
  • Take a drink if your team goes up against one that voted for the same thing yours did.
  • Take a drink if you only picked a side the day of the Splatfest. Alternatively, take a drink if you failed to fully level up your tee before the event.
  • Take a drink if you forgot to have Murch scrub your Splatfest Tee after reaching King/Queen/Ruler rank.
  • For that matter, take a drink if you were extremely close to getting King/Queen/Ruler rank when the Splatfest ended.
  • (Splatoon 3) Drink if the Halftime report shows your team is leading.
    • Drink if you get drafted into a Tricolor battle as the leading team.
    • If you're on one of the attacking teams, take a drink (double if the defending team is in the lead during halftime):
      • If someone on the other attacking team deliberately attacks you.
      • If you're holding the Ultra Signal, only to get splatted by the other attacking team.
      • If the other attacking team invades your turf.
  • After a Splatfest, celebrate with a drink for every five Super Sea Snails you earn, rounding to the nearest multiple of 5.note  If your Splatfest team won, add one drink on top of that.
  • Take a drink if the less popular team won the Splatfest. Finish it if you were on the more popular team.
    • Finish your drink if the less popular team had more victories, but still lost the event to popularity. Have one more if you're stuck with them.
    • Take a drink if the more popular team also had more victories. Finish it if you joined the less popular team, and have one more if you picked it just because you were expecting it to win from battle victories.
    • (Splatoon 3) Finish your drink if your team was leading at the Halftime Report but came dead last in the final results.
    • Also finish your drink if the final results end up being 25-20-0. If your team scored the Open Clout win, celebrate with another drink. If your team didn't but had gotten two of the others, drown your sorrows with another drink due to how the Open Clout breaks ties.
  • Down the whole bottle in sorrow if you missed the Splatfest entirely.
    • Down every last bottle you have if you missed every Splatfest in the first game. Then prepare a new batch for the next game's Splatfests.
    • Down every bottle again if you missed the second game's Splatfests. Then stock back up for the next game's Splatfests.
  • Take a shot for every person you see complaining about the results.
  • Take a shot for every person who threatens to destroy their Switch or other personal belongings if their Splatfest team loses.
  • If you played Pro Battle, take a celebratory drink if you finished with a power rating record of 2,000 or more, and an additional drink for every 100 extra power.
  • Take a very small sip for every Aerospray you see.
    • Take one normal-sized sip if the other team gets a synergy bonus for the Aerospray.
      • For that matter, take a shot for every synergy bonus either team gets. Double if it was clearly deliberate.

    Results Screen 
  • Turf War Results:
    • Take a drink every time your team wins a Turf War match by 0.1%.
    • On the other hand, finish your drink if your team loses by 0.1%.
    • Down the entire bottle if you lose by EXACTLY one point.
    • If the battle was a Curb Stomp, have one drink for every 10% more area the opponents have over your team.
      • However, take a congratulatory drink if your team dominated the other team by more than 15%.
    • Down your glass/bottle if someone on the winning team has between 300 and 315 points (1000 and 1015 points after the update that increased the victory bonus to 1000 points) note . If they're not on your team, punch the couch cushion and down another glass/bottle.
    • Take a drink if two people on the same team are in the top two of the team's point rankings and both differ by only one point. Take another if you're one of the two.
    • Take a drink if you scored at least 1300 points on the winning team in Turf War. If you were on the losing team and scored at least 1000 points, take two drinks.
    • Take a drink if you outscored everyone on your team who wielded an Aerospray or any similarly fast-firing Shooter. Finish it if you weren't using one yourself.
      • Down the bottle if you were using a Charger.
    • Finish the drink when you have a teammate with 0 kills and more than 5 deaths. You're gonna need it.
      • Take another drink if they still had a score above 1000 not counting the victory bonus.
    • Take a drink if the lowest scoring player on the team was using a Charger or Inkbrush (that includes you).
      • Finish the drink if the highest scoring player on the team was using a Charger (that includes you).
    • Take a drink if a Charger on either team scored higher than you when you weren't also using a Charger.
    • Take a drink if at least one person on the losing team outscored the top-scorer on the winning team even with the victory bonus. Finish your drink if that was you.
  • Ranked Results:
    • Take a drink if either team scores a Knockout in Ranked Matches.
    • Take a drink every time your team wins a Ranked Match by 3 points or less.
    • On the other hand, finish your drink if your team loses by 3 points or less.
    • Take a drink if anyone gets at least 10 kills or deaths. Add another if it is you.
    • Take a shot instead if you got Curb Stomped so hard that you didn't get any Experience points from it (at Levels 20+).
    • Should you lose, take a drink for every one of your Beakons that remains on the field.note 
    • Chase your drinks down with a glass of water if you lost, but your rank meter was maintained because someone disconnected early.
  • DO NOT take any drinks during match prep or the match itself if you have four cracks in your rank meter and you're not past the safety line. Seriously, you'll need to be sober to save your rank.
  • Finish your drink if your rank meter breaks. If you get subsequently demoted, or if it broke at rank C-, drown your sorrows.
  • Have a toast if a fellow player had a communication error (and hence, got 0 points—300 if they're on the winning team—in the results screen, or 0 kills and deaths in ranked). Whether it is on the Good Guys or Bad Guys, it is unfortunate.
    • If two people have a score from 300 to 315, and are on the same team, take a drink for every 50 points the highest scoring player of that team got.
  • Celebrate with a drink when you Rank Up or Level Up, or your gear Levels Up.
  • Splatoon 3:
    • Laugh and take a drink if you and your teammates happen to have the same victory emote equipped.
    • Groan and drink if you lost and thus have to watch the enemy team emoting. Scream bloody murder if you got quad-dabbed on.

    Octo Expansion / Alterna 
Take a drink whenever:
  • You select a recommended weapon. Double it if it's the Hero Gear.
  • You fail a test...
    • Another if it's an "8 Ball to the goal" type level.
  • Cap'n Cuttlefish raps.
  • You completed a station line or clear out all of the Fuzzy Ooze of a site.
  • You collected a "thang".
  • Toast every time you beat one of the following stations: Girl Power, Move It Move It, any Ranked Battle station.
  • You fail a "match the shape" station because your weapon destroyed two or more crates, with one of those crates being incorrect. (In short: Good luck with a Charger or Blaster.)
  • You get spotted by a sanitized Octarian in the Coccyx Phase during your escape, or by a fuzzy Octarian in the Alterna Space Center Entrance.
  • Splatted by Brainwashed and Crazy Agent 3.
    • Another if you get splatted by an Autobomb in the Superboss level.
  • Fail the Final Boss and see the Nonstandard Game Over cutscene.
  • You hear "Octoling Rendezvous" at the start of Girl Power Station.
  • Chug your (celebratory) drink down while the results bar shows up at the end of the NILS Statue Turf War at the end of the game.
  • Crack open a bottle of champagne if you beat Inner Agent 3 or After Alterna.

    Side Order 
Take a drink whenever...
  • You lose one of your limited lives. Down the drink if it was your last life, and thus ends your current run.
    • Double your drink if it was due to you falling off of the edge of the stage.
  • Similar to Octo Expansion, toast whenever you beat a Rigorous stage. Double it if this happens to be Cruel_Sisyphean_Eight-Shaped.Floor!
  • You unlock a new palette.
    • Take two if the main weapon is one you normally have trouble with - you'll need it.
    • Take a celebratory drink when you unlock Agent 8's Palette - or don't, as you will need all your wits to do a run with it.
  • Top off your drink and down it whenever you complete a run.
    • Take eight shots instead after using the special attack when facing against Order for the first time.
    • Down the bottle in celebration if you complete a run using Agent 8's Palette.
  • Take a sip whenever you lose a Zone because of one of those damned Drizzling Capricciosos. Trust us- if we made this a full drink, you'd probably lose your liver by the end of the run at best.
  • After you've been playing this for a while, take a shot whenever you're playing another mode and try to glide on a Pearl Drone that's not there. Double it if this results in you getting splatted.

Alternative Title(s): Splatoon 2, Splatoon 1, Splatoon 3
