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Dethroning Moment / Jimquisition

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Jim wants you to thank God for them, but these moments will make you want to burn your collections of Pogs and Boglins in anger.

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  • Please no They Panned It, Now They Suck! invoked. Someone having a different opinion than you is not nearly a good enough justification for something being seen as stupid or offensive.
  • Creator's works only. No moments on the author themselves or personal experience with them.

  • hydrix: I was and am still a fan of the Jimquisition, but there is one moment in the episode "you're playing the game wrong" that I do not like. For the most part the episode is pretty good actually. They spend time talking about the fact that it is really stupid of a game creator to force you play the game like how they feel like it and it is pretty nice for the most part... until they start countering the potential argument that the creators might have that is: "I put 4 or 5 years into this game. It's my baby.". To which they replied: "But like the mother of a down syndrome kid only you are finding it beautiful and you can't expect everyone else to applaud and clap because it can't put its fingers out of its asshole." It's a massive Critical Research Failure to say the least, fortunately Jim has since distanced themself from their early videos like that one.
  • Dr Zulu 2010: Jim Sterling is, in my opinion, a very hit and miss guy. When they hit, they make some of the best, entertaining and erudite videos on video games ever. But when they miss, they embarrass themselves to the whole world to see. One of the reasons their worst videos or reviews happen are due to their impulsiveness. And if we have talk about impusiveness, their "Screw Steam" video is the epitome of impulsive rants. Yes, I agree that competition can bring the best of any companies. Except that, thanks to poor timing nonetheless, Epic Games' launcher and store has been in the middle of a series of controversies. Not only that, but Epic's idea of making PC games exclusives to their platform, when Steam has a monopoly for so long, would create long term problems. Say whatever you want about Origin, Uplay or, but, at least, they sell their own games. Epic only got Fortnite and Valve has stopped making video games since the start of the decade when they found out that publishing games on their platform would be more profitable at long term. Also, that "Steam Cleaner" thing is the most embarrassing thing I saw an indie game journalist do.
  • emilethetemplar: My breaking point with Jim was them saying in their top 10 shittiest games of 2016 about Star Fox Zero "It's shit and you know it". The reason it angered me so much is because I clearly remember a video of them saying something around the lines of "If you like this game I don't I envy you because I'd like to enjoy every game I play". Guess that was a joke all along. There's also the fact that Jim can be extremely defensive about their own unpopular opinions, DmC: Devil May Cry and Modern Warfare 3 being good exemples and yet there they telling people to shut up about theirs. I'm sick of that hypocrisy, you want to be a caustic critic, fine, but don't pretend to be the voice of reason. You’re not.
  • Leaf Thornton: The Dethroning Moment of Suck for me that had resulted in me unsubscribing from the Jimquisition involves the video titled "Why The Five Nights at Freddy's Guy Sucks". With a title like that, you would think that they had a good reason for bashing the Five Nights At Freddys creator. However, their reasons boiled down to just one: Scott had donated money to politicians that Jim hated because they were against Jim's own political views. Not only that, but the remaining portion of the video is simply them bashing on not only religion but those who don't have the same political views as Jim. Seriously? I was willing to give them chances after they fouled up past videos about politics and video games. But this was the last straw for me.
  • darksteel: I had an issue with that above video myself albeit for a completely different reason, my problem with the video was Jim's refusal to realize why games websites are still covering Ubisoft's games in spite of their execs abusing developers-because games websites can't afford to just not cover any of their titles(or constantly bring up the allegations) as games sites have been losing ground to Youtubers for years (something TotalBiscuit warned about long ago) and Jim simplifying it to only be about those sites wanting "access" feels like missing the forest for the trees, and Jim wonders why people make fun of game journos-because Jim perpetuates the stereotypes by attacking them for doing their jobs.
  • Never Wood: For me it was Jim's overly negative review of Sonic Frontiers giving it a far too harsh 1.5 out of 10, which made no sense considering Jim sounded somewhat positive about the game when they first discussed it on Podquisition. The fact that it got an even lower score then the 3 out of 10 that Gotham Knights (2022) got(which Jim had absolutely NOTHING positive to say about whatsoever on the podcast) or the 2 out of 10 that Scorn got(where the art style was the only thing about the game Jim praised) leads me and more than a few Sonic fans to believe that Jim's opinion of the game was not an entirely honest one.
    • DevNameless: I'd like to first note that Steph is easily one of my favorite personalities in the gaming news community. They have a style that's easy to get into, know how to handle hard-hitting topics, and even when I've personally disagreed with them on a matter of opinion, I've always respected it, especially knowing just how rabid some other people who disagree can be to Steph (Case in point: Getting a DDOS for saying Breath of The Wild was good, but not perfect). However, I do think if there's one thing that crosses a line for me, it's some of the attitude they've given towards Sonic Frontiers. It's not that they don't like the game to me. I can respect their own opinions and critiques. It's the fact they called Sonic Team "Lazy hack fucks", which I think was in incredibly poor taste, considering how Sonic Team had been enduring a LOT of crunch during the development of the game. With how much Steph absolutely despises forcing developers to crunch, I expected better of them than to shove all the blame onto the developers at Sonic Team. If anything, I wish they went after Sega for putting Sonic Team under crunch that led to them releasing the game in a state Steph despised. All in all, a major misstep from someone I have a lot of respect for.
    • KashimaKitty: Related to the above, Top Worst Games of 2022 featured Sonic Frontiers as the worst game. Fair enough. But the part that genuinely annoyed me was when they basically said. "Your standards must be so unbelievably low if you think this game is good." I'm all for criticizing media, but insulting the fans for not having the same opinion as you is where I draw the line.
  • JJ Ock: Jim has a regular habit of repeating core topics in their videos, often as a means of pushing back against sketchy industry practices in hopes of inciting change. While at face value this isn't a problem, this does result in videos often feeling repetitive and functionally identical to videos they did in the past. For example, the multiple videos they did in the past year or so regarding Square Enix's misconduct (namely, their pursuit of NFTs and support of live service games like Babylon's Fall and Marvel's Avengers). Not only are they repeating the same grievances against the company, they contribute to the further repetition (and possible devaluing) of larger, generally agreeable topics.
  • KrspaceT: While still subscribed to their channel, I've taken to watching fewer of their videos weekly and skipping out on more of them around the time of the 'Under 900,000 Subscribers Special, which was far too long of a rant about their subscriber drop-off to be stomached. I've never liked their more parody-style videos and this was the worst at the time, and in general seemed to herald more videos whose contents I've not enjoyed. There are still good videos from them, such as the one of the term JRPG and on Street Fighter 6, but I can no longer as easily recommend their work to others.
