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Cute Bruiser / Real Life

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  • Given that the Hybrid Assistive Limb suit can so far only fit shorter people, it's a very good way of giving little women super-lifting powers.
  • Varsha Vinod, 5-year-old black belt.
  • Giuliano Stroe. Just because he's about six doesn't mean he can't kick your ass.
  • Kid bodybuilder Richard Sandark.
  • Liam Hoekstra.
  • Naomi Kutin record holding weightlifter, elementary school student, TV Tropes example.
  • Maryana Naumova, a cute 12 year old who can benchpress up to 80kg (1.5 times her own weight). And she's itching to break that record.
  • Abby Watson, 13 years old holder of eight world records in powerlifting.
    When I tell them how much I can lift, most people say: "I'm not gonna mess with you anymore!"
  • Examples from the animal kingdom:

    • Honey badgers. Jaws strong enough to bite through tortoise shell, and they can take on venomous snakes.
    • Tasmanian devils. About the size of a small dog, they are the largest carnivorous marsupial, and when threatened, they will growl, bare its teeth and scream at any assailant.
    • Chimpanzees. Sharing 98% of their DNA with humans, these African apes might look goofy, but they have volatile personalities, and fights between rival groups can get nasty. And if you've ever seen a survivor of a chimp attack (do not look this up if you are faint of heart), you know exactly what they're capable of. They may be smaller than we are, but they are unfathomably stronger and more agile than the most well-trained human being. There's also the fact that a chimp's characteristic "smile" is more often than not a threat display.
    • Ring-tailed lemurs. The mothers are so hardcore, they go into battle, sometimes with their babies in tow.
    • Wolverines. A short, muscular animal, they weigh about 50 pounds and can attack animals many times their size, including deer and bison, as well as fight wolves and bears. There's a reason why Marvel's adamantium-clawed berserker is named after them.
