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Cruel And Unusual Death / Scream

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Even by Scream standards, this was a rough way to go out.

Scream is a world where you can be considered lucky if you’re just stabbed once or even shot in the head. Unfortunately, a good number of the cast are not so lucky. As this is a death trope, expect major unmarked spoilers below.


  • According to the news reporters in Woodsboro, Cotton Weary raped and tortured Maureen Prescott before killing her. The truth is that Cotton had sex with Maureen and left her before the real killers arrived, but that still means that Billy and Stu tortured Maureen before killing her.
  • Steve Orth was tied up and disemboweled with his guts exiting the front of his body. He’s still very much alive when this is happening and only dies when it’s over.
  • Casey Becker is stabbed multiple times, gutted and then strung up a tree for her parents to find.
  • Tatum Riley really takes the cake as she is stuck in a garage door pet flap while trying to escape the killer, after which the killer decides to open said door. What follows is Tatum slowly and helplessly rising to the top before having her head visibly crushed while simultaneously being electrocuted. Yeesh!

Scream 2

  • Phil Stevens is left to bleed out in a bathroom stall after being stabbed in the face.
  • Maureen Evans is stabbed several times in front of a large crowd who cheers it on thinking it’s a stunt, only realizing otherwise when it’s too late. Easily the most humiliating death of the series.
  • Officer Richards becomes stuck on the hood of his own car while the killer is driving manically. He meets his end by having his head impaled by a pipe.
  • Derek Feldman is tied, hazed and humiliated up by his frat buddies leaving him exhausted and then he’s later shot while restrained and trying to plead his innocence to an untrusting Sidney.

Scream 3

  • Steven Stone is bludgeoned and stabbed leaving him horrifically bloody before he walks over to the rest of the 'Stab 3' cast and dies.
  • Tom Prinze is blown up and he realizes it’s going to happen.
  • Tyson Fox receives a drawn out Rasputinian Death starting with him falling on his neck when a rug is pulled out from under him. He is then stabbed and tossed into a glass case before being thrown off a balcony.
  • Jennifer Jolie is stabbed to death calling to Dewey and Gale who can’t hear or see her while she can see them.

Scream 4

  • Jenny Randall is stabbed in the back, has her back crushed by a garage door while trying to escape the killer (complete with a Sickening "Crunch!"). She is then helplessly dragged into her garage and stabbed to death.
  • Olivia Morris is violently disemboweled in her bedroom while her friends are Forced to Watch from the window next door.
  • Rebecca Walters is stabbed in the stomach, then thrown off a 10th story building while still conscious, only dying when she landed on a news van in full view of reporters' cameras.
  • Deputy Perkins is stabbed through his forehead, rendering him blind. He spends his last moments stumbling around and swinging where he thinks the killer might be before keeling over.
  • Trevor Sheldon is tied up and shot in the groin and then the head by Jill.


  • Judy Hicks is knocked down and stabbed multiple times in the chest by Ghostface.
    • Then her son Wes is stabbed in the throat by the killer, who holds the knife in, staring down Wes as the latter chokes on his own blood and bleeds to death.
  • Dewey, after having survived multiple stabbings over the years, is simultaneously stabbed in the chest and the back and has both knives dragged up through the stomach, resulting in a very bloody death.

Scream VI

  • Dr. Stone is stabbed through the face, right through his nose.
  • Anika Kayoko is choked, nearly gutted, forced to climb out of a window onto a suspended ladder over an alleyway while slowly bleeding out, and tormented by Ghostface as they violently move the ladder around, leading to her falling 50 feet and striking her head against a dumpster, which smashes her face in and snaps her neck. All of which occur in front of her girlfriend Mindy.


  • Even the Ghostfaces aren’t safe from a horrific death as their victims tend to turn the tables on them. They are deserving of it though.
    • Stu Macher is crushed and electrocuted when Sidney pushes a bulky 1990s-style TV on his head.
    • Mickey Altieri is shot multiple times before going down.
    • Charlie Walker is stabbed in the heart and stomach and is then told by both his Bad Boss and The Hero how he was a pawn the whole time while he bleeds out.
    • Jill Roberts is defibrillated at full power in the head, then finished off with a gunshot wound to the chest.
    • Richie Kirsch is subject to Extreme Mêlée Revenge and then a Slashed Throat by Sam, who decides to then shoot him multiple times, finishing with a headshot.
    • Amber Freeman is tossed about the kitchen, beaten, shot three times, and lit on fire resulting in half her face melting off. And still doesn’t go down until being shot in the head.
    • Greg Bruckner is stabbed to death, dismembered (a first for the franchise), and has his body parts stuffed into a fridge. Jason Carvey doesn't get it much better; he's stabbed repeatedly until his intestines seep out.
    • Quinn Bailey is struck in the face with a brick and then shot through the forehead.
    • Wayne Bailey is stabbed in the stomach, chest, neck, face, and head over two dozen times before getting a knife into his eye.
    • Ethan Landry/Bailey is stabbed through the mouth, impaled through the jaw, left to bleed out, and has a TV set dropped on his head (the very same one that killed Stu, even).
