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Buffy Speak / Fan Works

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  • Advice and Trust: Touji is guilty of this. In chapter 8 he tries to talk about his friend and Asuka behaving as a couple:
    "You two. It's too weird, watching you and the Red De-... er, Soryu-san be all... couple-y.
  • The Boy Who Cried Idiot: Martin uses the word "thingy" on a semi-regular basis.
  • Child of the Storm vacillates between this, Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness and Sophisticated as Hell on a regular basis, partly because the author was a (very well educated) teenager in the first couple of years of writing it, and partly because he's a self-admitted massive Buffy fan. Harry, the main character, is somewhat prone to it, while the Deuteragonist, Carol, is definitely prone to it. Especially first thing in the morning.
  • Doing It Right This Time: In chapter 2 Touji is explaining how he and Hikari got together: "It was a few days before everything got weird and explody and..."
  • Scar Tissue: In chapter 11 Touji thinks that Kensuke is better than him in "all that talky-feely stuff".
  • My Immortal. "Voldemort got a dude-ur-so-retarded look on his face."
  • Firefly:
    • In Forward, Jayne has a moment like this when he worries Simon will unleash his wrath on him.
    Jayne: He's gonna... gonna doctor at me.
    • Wash also references a “big…crime…thingy” and a “death cylinder thingy” at other times.
    • In Freedom to the Free Mal lands Serenity on a roof to save his four captured crew from slavers. Wash says he can fly them away despite being badly beaten by an overseer, but his injuries make him move slowly. Jayne decides to carry him up the stairs since it’ll be faster, and Simon yells after him to watch out due to Wash’s cracked ribs and Jayne says they’ll have bigger problems if the roof caves in.
    Simon: Really really not arguing”
  • King Superman: Both the characters and author seem to use these from time to time, particularly the word "scorpiony".
  • At one moment in the Mass Effect RP, "The Council Era", krogan Overlord Tikrog Kurvok makes use of buffy speak when referring to coffee, saying, "Give me a stimulant drink, to go. With extra energizer thingies." Kurvok repeatedly talks this way throughout the storyline.
  • In the fanfic "Princess", Julien describes female lemurs as having a "thing that looks like a... thing". According to Word of God, there are very few ways that are both in-character and PG-rated to describe an enlarged clitoris. He goes on to say that they "don't have the... other things, and they do have the... girl things".
  • The four are occasionally prone to this in With Strings Attached, either because of vocabulary failure, deliberate humor, or simple laziness. In a Shout-Out to Help!, Ringo calls the Vasyn "the thingy." (George calls it "the Big Pink Job," hence the subtitle.)
  • In the fic Presidential Initiation, America tries to explain who he is to the president... and does a really bad job of it as he says things like "I'm a national aromatherapy persecution or whatever the hell it's called!" Also used is the term "people/nation thingies."
  • The Doctor's Doctor has the Thirteenth Doctor rather wryly resorting to Buffy Speak to explain something to John, which also constitutes as a Call-Back:
  • Calvin & Hobbes: The Series:
    • When the Book Transporter returns in a Batman crossover, it shows a paint job and the words "bat-thingy" on its side.
    • Also, we get this line from Dr. Brainstorm later on:
      "Prepare to succumb to my awesome power, you... not genius person!"
  • In A Kingdom Divided, Rainbow Dash lapses into this when drunk:
    I've… never… like… told her… stuff… you know, that stuff I should've told her…
  • Characters in Twillight Sparkle's awesome adventure frequently lapse into it when attempting to describe something that the author doesn't know the proper word for.
  • Shows up fairly frequently in Game Theory. Mostly Vesta, but Fate and Arf get in on it occasionally as well.
  • From Overlady:
    Louise: That was... ah, the thing. The thing that did the thing with... with the stuff.
  • The World of the Creatures has the trope namer herself as a character. At one point Buffy berates her Diplodocus as a, "stupid dinosaur, with its...dinosaur-ness."
  • In scuttlebuggy crash victim, Karkat not only forgets that bins exist, but what they are called.
    "Jesus, fuck. I need some kind of receptacle for this shit. Some sort of implement for containing things you don't want all over your floor. Why hasn't something like that been invented yet."
  • Stephanie Brown in Angel of the Bat is a Methodist, and as a result has some trouble describing Catholic concepts to Cassandra when she's the only one willing to teach her about religion.
  • In the Jeeves and Bertie Wooster fanfic "Slippery Fingers", Bertie refers to Jeeves' duties as "valet-ing".
  • In Harry Potter and the Marauders of the Mind Draco and Snape claim that if Harry screws up a particular ritual it could start a Zombie Apocalypse.
    Harry: Why does everyone keep saying that? I never had any plan to turn anyone into a zombie or an inferi or any other kind of lurching dead thingy.
  • In The Snow Has Stopped The Rain, this exchange happens:
    Rukia: Is this your inner world?
    Ichigo: Yes, but it isn't usually this...naturey.
    Rukia:...that isn't a word, Ichigo.
  • Since Yang in Soul Hunter doesn't have any context for what to call a shihakusho, she ends up calling Ichigo's outfit a black...robe thing...
  • In the Naruto/RWBY crossover Veritas Aequitas, some characters have a new way to refers to their stealth skills.
    Naruto: I am a ninja! Fear my ninja-tude!
  • In the Empath: The Luckiest Smurf story adaptation "A Haunted Christmas", Duncan McSmurf chides with his friend Tapper that he would rather see Tapper alone with Smurfette in the tavern doing...well, "intimate things."
  • In the Legacy Series, the new Green Arrow, Jon, has a moment of this when he mangles his Badass Creed:
    "I am the shadow that stalks the night. The danger that haunts the whatever from deep within the thing."
  • Neither a Bird nor a Plane, it's Deku!:
    • Izuku is flying by the seat of his pants when asked to give a speech to his entire first year class, resulting in this line:
      Izuku: All of us can show off Wisdom, Wonder, Mystery, and Entropy if we just put our minds to it. A-And if you ever think that justice isn’t working, then all you have to do is… is justice harder!
    • Mirio compares the sensation of punching Izuku to, "punching the walliest wall to ever wall."
  • In The Web of The Spider-Man, Peter is a Hero-Worshipper for Tony Stark. Learning that Tony was now a superhero just made things even better.
    Peter: The fact that Tony Stark was now a literal super hero? That just made it ten times better! He was like that old WWII Hero, Captain America, but just... science-ier!
  • The hero of Freakin Gensokyo has raised Buffy Speak to an art form. Half of everything that comes out of his mouth is a some form of Buffy Speak. Referring to nodding as a "wobbly head response" is the least of it.
  • In My Master Ed, because Hohenheim has lived in a desert his whole life, he calls Ed's gloves white slim hand-shaped cloth-sacks.
  • In Athair Ron starts having prophetic dreams.
    Ron: I had another one! Another dream!
    Harry: The- like with the- the... thing?
  • When the Brush hits the Canvas: Link finds himself baffled more often than not, so he relies on this trope for sone descriptions:
    • Ravio's pet is described as a "bird... mouse... head... thing".
    • Queen Oren in her bloated form is described as a "HUMONGOUS green... female... thing".
  • In Harry Potter and the Rule of Three Susan spanks Hermione while the latter is masturbating.
    Hermione: Umf. Good. Wow. So much
  • In A Very Kara Christmas, Linda Lee's fifteen-year-old roommates use expressions and words like "for cry-yi" or "kind of spyey" instead of "for crying out loud" and "spy-like", respectively.
  • Memorable Lullaby:
    Harry: Ron. I'm 15, trust me, I do know about sex and I doubt there is anything you could talk about that Hermione hadn't read about, so stop worrying. Draco couldn't take advantage of me if he wanted to.
    Ron: So you do know what it means if he, you know, tries to get you know what you know where and moving and you know what will come out of you know what when he moves it you know where.
  • Things I Am Not Allowed to Do at the PPC:
  • Fledglings, or: Everything's Better With Penguins: Downplayed when the device the Agents use to make a wall partially transparent so they can track what their target is doing inside of a building is referred to as "the See-Through Thingy"; its proper name is the See-Through Device.
  • Naru-Hina Chronicles: During a picnic with Hinata, Naruto has an "Eureka!" Moment that makes him exclaim "SO IT'S OFF TO... Err... THE PLACE WHERE THE BOOKS ARE!!", with the Hyuga correctly guessing that he means the library.
