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Alternative Character Interpretation / Voltron: Legendary Defender

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A lot can be said about how the characters act in various situations in Voltron: Legendary Defender.

  • Because of the mind altering properties of quintessence just how evil some of the villains are is severely up to debate. A brief discussion on this is had in "The Colony"; Shiro concludes the argument by claiming that quintessence simply "reveals the evil instincts", but no conclusive answer is had either way, especially as Lotor becomes progressively more unhinged after his trip to the quintessence dimension.
    • Did the rest of the group (sans Lance) really figure out that Pidge is a girl or were they just pretending because of how sensitive the nature of The Reveal was? Shiro and Allura had outside connections that let them find out and the Galaxy Garrison was completely fooled.
  • The way that everyone keeps calling Pidge by that name after the truth is revealed. Is it just an Affectionate Nickname or is she actually more comfortable with the male identity now? Word of God quickly put that point to rest, however. It's just a nickname. Season 4 further established that she was called "Pidge" by her family even before she posed as a male.
  • The Black Lion's actions in the first season finale. Did the Black Lion reject Shiro because its former Paladin called for it and their bond was stronger? Or did it eject Shiro as a desperate last ditch attempt to protect him from being recaptured by Zarkon?
  • Keith invites a lot of this due to his lack of development in the first season.
    • For example, while no one was happy when Pidge announced her intention to leave, Keith looks particularly baffled and hurt. For some people, it's an indication of his Hair-Trigger Temper. For others this, together with his past as an orphan, led some people to believe that reaction might have come from abandonment issues.
    • Various aspects of the show hint that Keith is not just a normal person. It's known that he's an orphan, but we later find out that he is part Galra on his mother's side. It's not clear how much of his own past he's aware of or was told by his father. As such his difficulty in getting along with the rest of the team has been alternately suggested to be because growing up alone just made him Not Good With People, or that he actively pushes them away due to his own abandonment issues.
    • It's mentioned early on that Keith was expelled from the Garrison for his disciplinary issues. Is it a statement to be taken at face value as an indication of his personality, or was there something else motivating him, such as a Call to Adventure? Word of God implied that it was because he punched Iverson, so it seems to be more of the former, but also might have been a combination of both.
  • Is Slav just Obsessively Organized or does he actually have some perception of alternate realities that makes it so he's almost completely unable to function without taking every potential reality into account? In addition, one of the writers suggested the possibility that his Obsessively Organized tendencies was the result of the Galra torturing him. Then Season 3 reveals that alternate realities really do exist.
  • When the Paladins visit the Mirror Universe in "Hole in the Sky" it raises a number of questions about the Galra-Altean conflict all hinging around whether or not the universe was truly an example of the alignments switching. Were the unseen Galra, allegedly wiped out by the Alteans, really freedom fighters, or were they just an equally evil empire opposing the Alteans? Were the Alteans truly an evil version of the main universe Alteans or was there a darker side to their society that Alfor kept in check?
  • At the end of Season 3, a scene shows the previous Blue Paladin, Blaytz, asking a male Galra servant of Zarkon's to put down the tray and sit down with him for dinner. Whether that was a friendly act or Blaytz was indeed flirting with the servant is debatable. People who think it's the latter usually will point out that being the previous Blue Paladin, he must be as flirty as Lance and that said servant blushes when asked to sit with him. Word of God confirms that Blaytz was indeed flirting with the male servant, and offers a new question as to whether it's because Blaytz is strictly attracted to males or whether he comes from a One-Gender Race with no concept of homosexuality in the first place.
  • Zarkon was already showing signs of having become a Well-Intentioned Extremist at best before the darkness in the rift turned him and Haggar into the beings they are now. Did he only become a villain because his efforts to save his dying wife went horribly wrong, or were his pride and aggression always going to lead him to turn on Alfor in some way? Shiro at least seems to believe the latter.
  • Given that they turned against Lotor after he killed Narti, were Acxa, Ezor, and Zethrid actually planning to take Lotor custody to his parents due to him now being an enemy of the Galra Empire or were they actually planning to take him to the Voltron Coalition for him to be questioned about his father and to avoid him from being exposed to the Quintessence, which caused both of his parents to be driven into madness and corrupted into tyranny respectively?
  • Is Lotor really wanting to help the Coalition to stop Zarkon after saving Keith from his own demise or is he doing this so that he can overthrow his father in order to become the new tyrannical ruler of the Galra Empire and to continue his Evil Plan? Season 6 ultimately confirms that he is a Well-Intentioned Extremist attempting to replace the Galra Empire with an equally ruthless Altea Empire, but it just raises a new question of whether using the Altean colony to wipe out the Galra and become a "god" was part of Lotor's plan all along, or something he came up with during his Villainous Breakdown as a result of the quintessence corruption, especially as he appeared not to care about a throne at first (at least not the Galran one).
  • Was Lotor consciously lying about the Altean survivors as the Paladins automatically assume, or did he genuinely not see why he was wrong and thus just didn’t feel the need to bring it up? Or: was it something he knew they’d react badly to, even if he believed it unsavory but necessary, and planned to bring it up later under more favorable circumstances? And if made to see the true villainy of his actions, could/would he repent? Another possibility — deep down, Lotor knows he’s in the wrong and either thinks he’s come too far to give up/turn back, or he doesn’t let himself consciously admit his sin because it’s the only way he can justify his actions/live with himself. Also, does Lotor really want to preserve Altean culture, or is his plan for an Altean Empire just his way of unconsciously striking back at the Galra who were nothing but cruel to him? Or a mix of both?
  • What happened at the end of Season 6 when Kuron combined with Shiro's body? Did the former die or be replaced, or did they combine to become a new being? Was the latter aware of the events of Seasons 3-6 after returning]]? Word of God states that Shiro's memories combined with the clone, but nothing about it is directly addressed within the show.
  • The meaning of Shiro's epilogue where it's stated that he "left the battle" is a particularly contentious one. Did Shiro give up space exploration to settle down? Or did he simply leave fighting and his inner struggles behind? Word of God has nothing to say on the meaning of the statement other than that the scene was a last minute decision to Throw the Dog a Bone; Word of Saint Paul has given diametrically opposing answers on this.
  • Does Acxa really have feelings for Keith, or were Ezor and Zethrid merely teasing/misinterpreting her? The fact there were no hints of Acxa being attracted to Keith until season 7 which even then were only told to us and never manifested seems to suggest the latter. One Doylist theory is that the writers were planning to make Acxa Keith’s love interest but abandoned those plans during one of the many admitted storyline shuffles that took place behind the scenes, leaving that scene orphaned in the process. Another interpretation is that she did have feelings for Keith in season 7 but got over them by season 8.
  • When deciding who rides with who while planning their trip to Earth, Pidge is asked to take Kosmo, which she declines by claiming to be allergic. Was she telling the truth, or lying so she wouldn't have to get stuck with him?
