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Adorkable / Doctor Who

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He doesn't need 99 red balloons, floating in the summer sky to make him happy, just the one. He does get plenty of panic bells and red alerts though.

Examples of Adorkable from Doctor Who.

The Doctor

Their dorkiness is a trait that all Doctors share in common, albeit in differents ways.

  • The First Doctor was prone to Captain Obvious statements that he delivered like hard scientific facts, giggled while beating people up with his cane, and introduced himself as Dr. Caligari in one serial.
  • The Second Doctor played the recorder, couldn’t stop cuddling his companions, used hilariously inoffensive minced oaths, and loved putting on disguises for no particular reason.
  • The Third Doctor sang opera whilst servicing his vehicles, wore ostentatious smoking jackets and evening capes to work, acting like a told-off schoolboy if he lost a fight with The Brigadier, and treated his Arch-Enemy more like a sporting rival than a serious threat.
  • The Fourth Doctor obsessed over jelly babies and his yo-yo, treated K-9 like a Precious Puppy instead of a robot dog, and had an extremely goofy Cheshire Cat Grin.
  • The Fifth Doctor thought a celery stalk was a good fashion choice, mimed with a cricket bat after putting on his outfit for the first time, and used Purely Aesthetic Glasses to make himself look smarter.
  • The Sixth Doctor, as much as he was a Darker and Edgier Anti-Hero, was not immune to this. He had a collection of cat broaches, insisted that his ridiculous coat was the pinnacle of fashion, doled out hammy Bond One-Liners with no irony, and loved using big words to confuse people.
  • The Seventh Doctor’s first season was full of pratfalls, malapropers, and other cutesy behaviour as a reaction to the much more brutal Sixth Doctor. It still crops up on occasion (he never loses his love of doing sleight of hand magic tricks), but it's mostly Obfuscating Stupidity.
  • The Eighth Doctor had a major Squee moment when he tried on shoes for the first time, gushed about how humans were his favourite species, stole a gun from a police officer and threatened to use it on himself, and gave The Master a sincere Take My Hand! moment in the climax of the TV movie.
  • Even the War Doctor engaged in this. His overall personality was grim and applied, but he was nearing the shift toward the adorkable phase. He seemed interested in the fez that fell through the time window, and had a doting grandpa moment when he mistook his future selves for companions. Better yet, he made snappy jokes at his captors. He also grinned like a delighted child when he sonicked the memory controls in the Black Archive because it was probably the first time in that life he got to act like his old self again and make peace instead of war. Overall, War was a very humorous and well-meaning chap. But the icing on the cake was when War started cheering with unadulterated delight when he learned that saving Gallifrey was still possible. And after saving Gallifrey, the last problem he ran into was which TARDIS was his among the other Doctors' police boxes.
  • The Ninth Doctor, easily the most serious of all the New Doctors, head-bopped to Soft Cell in "The End of the World" and had two uncomfortable first attempts at dancing in "The Doctor Dances". Also the moments of slightly awkward, raw emotional honesty ("I could save the world but lose you."; "You just assume I'm... You just assume I don't... 'dance'.") and the sweet, childlike glee and fanboyish squee he's capable of.
    Ninth Doctor: Just this morning you were all tiny and small and made of clay! Now you can expand!
  • Ten was easily one of the most Adorkable of all the Doctors, especially when he whipped out the Purely Aesthetic Glasses.
  • Eleven thought he was much cooler than he really was. See "WHO DA MAN?!" and "Bowties are cool!" He was also a terrible dancer, had an obsession with hats, and insisted on using really bad analogies. And we can’t overlook the fact that outside his companions, he gets along far better with kids than adults.
  • Twelve seemed a bit bashful when on the receiving end of a hug, and kept up Eleven's dorky dancing.
  • Thirteen seems to be just as dorky as Ten, reacting to her new face with a big, ecstatic grin while saying, "Oh, brilliant!" She also continues the tradition of using Dissimiles, being a Motor Mouth, and generally having No Social Skills.
  • Due to Ten and Fourteen sharing the same face, Fourteen comes off as this too. For starters, his reaction to the new TARDIS interior is to run around it in childlike glee.

Other characters

  • Rose Tyler gets just as excited as the Doctor does by new lifeforms, planets, and more, no matter how dangerous or weird. Notable moments range from happily jumping into the Ninth Doctor’s arms over pronouncing “Raxacoricofallapatorious” correctly to her and the Tenth Doctor practically fangirling over encountering something as cool as a werewolf.
  • Martha Jones tends to react with Squee to cool opportunities, such as getting to travel with the Doctor in the first place, saved the world with a Harry Potter reference once, and is a Hospital Hottie with extensive medical knowledge that often comes in handy.
  • Rory Williams: his attempt to fence using a broom and his inability to pass for an American are but two examples. He also tends to lapse into Buffy Speak.
  • All of L.I.N.D.A. members are endearing Doctor fans.
  • Danny Pink, in both a funny and serious way. When Clara notices by eavesdropping that he's angry at himself for being awkward in front of her, she warms up to him quickly and assures him he shouldn't feel embarrassed. When he asks her for a second date, he manages to get all the right words, but in the wrong order (because he was purposely trying to be "cool"). Clara's still eager to give him a chance, as she finds him charming and intelligent.
  • Clara Oswald:
    • Present day Clara has her moments, and could give Rory a run for his money with them. While she doesn't understand much of the Doctor's tech, she's perceptive enough to want to learn how the stuff works (after the arrival of the Twelfth Doctor, however, she becomes very well-versed in the tech, from being able to use a sonic screwdriver to on one occasion even piloting the TARDIS by herself). She's also rather bookish, not averse to MacGyvering when the situation calls for it and loves spouting the occasional pop-cultural reference in a snarky way.
    • Once the Doctor introduces the TARDIS to the Victorian version of Clara, she starts eagerly running around the interior, looking all around the control room while giggling like a happy little girl amazed by a new toy. Then she bombards the Doctor with a string of childishly inquisitive questions about the TARDIS.
      Victorian Clara: Is it magic? Is it a machine?
      The Doctor: It's a ship.
      Victorian Clara: [snooping around curiously, giggling] A ship?!
      The Doctor: Best ship in the universe.
      Victorian Clara: [runs around some more, observing stuff, turns to the Doctor] Is there a kitchen?
    • Wearing a Christmas paper crown during her frantic preparations for Christmas dinner.
    • Lampshaded amusingly by the Twelfth Doctor to the antagonists of his introductory episode, when he comes to help her escape them.
    • Pretty much any time she's in schoolteacher mode.
    • After her failed date with Danny Pink in "Listen".
    • Apparently was this way as a teenager; when she was 15 the only pin-up she had on her wall was of Roman philosopher/emperor Marcus Aurelius.
  • Petronella Osgood, UNIT scientist and huge fangirl of the Doctor. She cosplays as the Doctor frequently, is clever, socially awkward, and when she gets nervous this triggers her asthma and she has to use her inhaler. Amongst her cosplay items is a scarf that Word of God has declined to be the actual scarf belonging to the Fourth Doctor, and it's imply that one of his incarnations trusted her enough to gift it to her.
