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Context Recap / TheBridgeHumanitysStandCh2PreparingForTheEnd

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1Gamera and Zilla have gathered their Kaiju allies and told them the plan to unite with the humans. Gabara obnoxiously complains and says he wants to go back to sleep. Everybody groans; Gabara is a lazy, cowardly jerk, and the only reason why they accepted him into their faction is that they would rather him be on their side than an enemy. Zilla beats him up and says he will pull his weight around here and obey their instructions, end of story.
3Varan asks why they should help the humans after they created and used Dimension Tide without consulting or warning any of them. Gamera points out the humans greatly regret their mistake, but based on how many of them have been killed in this 60+ year war, maybe they deserve some leeway. Gorosaurus asks how they can be sure the humans won't turn on them as soon as the evil Kaiju are beaten. Gamera declares the only way to do that is to give them a reason to see them as true allies. They finally have a chance to end this war and establish peace. They must do their best to work with the humans until their true enemies are no more. Everybody is pumped up by his speach, then Gamera dismisses the meeting. They will rest for a few days and then fight.
5Once Gamera and Zilla are alone, Gamera confides a secret and asks him not to tell any of the other Kaiju, for he doesn't want to give them false hope, or fear. He reveals the conversation he had with Mothra and Twilight Sparkle a few days ago. When he mentions Mothra and Twilight contacted him with magic, Zilla complains that he hates magic, causing Gamera to point out Mothra and himself use it, so Zilla sheepishly apologizes. Their missing friends are alive and well, but trapped in another world called Equestria in the forms of native species. The missing evil Kaiju are there too. They should work on clearing Terra of the evil Kaiju as fast as possible so that they can focus on reaching their friends, for Gamera suspects an unknown enemy brought the evil Kaiju to Equestria for their own purposes. When Zilla hears the part about Equestria being a land of talking ponies, he does a JawDrop, then says he needs to do something really quick. He leaps into the ocean and swims away as fast as he can, as Gamera looks on, stunned.
7Back in the Global Defense Force headquarters, Stacker Pentecost outlines his plan, which he codenamed End War. Jaeger pilot Chuck Hansen complains, not trusting any of the Kaiju and calling them monsters, but gets reprimanded. The Jaeger pilot team Raleigh Becket and Mako Mori question how they can work with the Kaiju. Every time they tried it in the past, they ran into problems due to lack of coordination, since they couldn't communicate directly with them. Pentecost says that problem will be solved by having every Jaeger team include a telepath. Miki Saegusa adds that all telepaths are Drift compatible, so they will be able to help pilot the Jaegers. At that moment, Dr. Azusa Aoki née Gojo arrives. Miki and Mako are very happy to see her after all these years. Azusa reports that she gathered a team of telepaths just like Pentecost wanted, and they should be ready for training tomorrow. Pentecost sadly apologizes again for getting her son Godzilla Junior killed. He steels himself and is about to tell her something when an alarm goes off. Their instruments detect Zilla is in the Pacific Ocean and swimming towards them. The technicians are scared and amazed to find he is swimming at 90 knots, breaking his previous record of 76 knots. Pentecost decides Zilla must have urgent business and tells everyone to be ready to greet him.
9A short time later, everyone waits outside with bated breath as Zilla emerges from the water and approaches them. His arrival creates a small tsunami, but fortunately, the city was designed with that in mind and not much is damaged. As he approaches, they salute him, but the poignant moment is burst when Zilla suddenly screams, "GODZILLA AND THE OTHERS HAVE TURNED INTO PONIES!"
