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Context DrinkingGame / SherlockHolmes

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1Take a drink every time:
2* Holmes figures out the mystery immediately but withholds the solution from Watson (and the reader) until the most dramatic possible moment.
3* Holmes talks about eliminating the impossible.
4* Holmes breaks the law in the pursuit of justice.
5** Holmes lets the culprit off.
6* Somebody [[HaveAGayOldTime ejaculates]].
7* Holmes and/or Watson refers to any unrecorded case.
8* Holmes complains about the police being incompetent, or snarks at them for their incompetence.
9* Holmes has a good laugh at the skewed account in the press.
10* Conan Doyle makes an obvious continuity error.
11** Contradictions of Holmes' stated knowledge gaps in ''A Study In Scarlet''. Sips for this one.
12* Holmes sends Watson off to investigate something-or-other, gives him no instructions whatsoever, and then berates him for doing it all wrong.
13* The client, or the object of the client's concern, dies after the investigation begins.
14* Holmes indulges in a bit of gratuitous high culture.
15* The killer is an animal.
16* The twist is that nobody actually got killed.
17** The twist is that nobody actually committed a crime at all, by the laws of the era.
18* The SherlockScan tosses in an [[SherlockCanRead obvious observation]] for chuckles, e.g. "Er, you're still wearing your Masonic pin."
19* When Holmes has the chance to show off his boxing abilities, take a vodka.
20* The case prominently features someone fleeing a dark past overseas.
21* When the story goes off on a British jingoist tangent, have some Tokay.
22* Have a brandy whenever a) there is a more-than-token gesture toward Watson being a physician, or b) Watson's status as a physician is flagrantly ignored. This is a lot less frequent than you'd suppose, but it comes in handy for publication-order marathons.
23* These words are all worth a sip:
24** Singular
25** Significant
26** Transparent
27** Elementary
28** Extraordinary
29** Tragedy
30** Halloa!
31** Dear me! (This one can be upgraded to a full drink as needed.)
32* Someone complains about England's divorce laws.
33* Someone says something in another language and doesn't translate.
34* Holmes plays the violin.
35* Holmes complains about women being a mystery.
36* Holmes is a terrible housekeeper.
37* Watson (or anyone else) has trouble saying no to Holmes.
38* Someone is given alcohol because they fainted or nearly fainted. Have another drink if it's not clear where the alcohol came from.
39* The persian slipper is mentioned.
