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Archived Discussion UsefulNotes / Columbine

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Describe Columbine Discussion here.

Anonymous Mc Cartneyfan: There is a list of references to this in fiction underneath the "tropes". There are at least four works in that list.

Mr Etaoin Shrdlu: Keep, but move to Useful Notes. Or maybe cut, then create a Useful Notes page for it.

Wascally Wabbit: Isn't the list of 'tropes in the event' just a tiny bit flippant and disrespectful. This ain't a tv show.

Rothul: Most of the commentary there can probably be moved to the main article, but this is hardly the only real event to have a tropes list (World War Two e.g.), especially since most like Media Watchdogs and The New Rock & Roll played such a large part in the coverage of the event.
