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Archived Discussion TabletopGame / Traveller

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Fast Eddie: Man, I love/loved this game. The style of play we had was very much like Firefly, a small band of chance-met folks on a ratty ship, just trying to get enough gigs to keep flying. The GM-role rotated among the crew from week to week. We made a lot of good stories over the course of about five years. Damn. Getting a little misty, here.

Seth: I'll have to look out for it. My gaming club is playing a game called "Wolves in the fold" right now. One person plays a wearwolf and one plays a hunter and the rest are normal people. Its kind of like that Wink murder game except with dice and role playing.

Also was this entry copied from a site? If so which one?

Fast Eddie: I cribbed some of it — a lot of it, actually — from this FAQ. There is a ton of good additional info there.

Silent Hunter: I'm guessing the ''Megatraveller' series of computer games is related to this.

Susan Davis: "Megatraveller" was one of the game's editions; the computer games were a direct license of the system.

RedBeardSean: I used to love just rolling up characters for this one- the only game I've seen where your character can die during character generation. Good times.

(random passer-by): Long, long ago, in the 1970s, the earliest editions of Traveller were rather more spare than that. Here, read of some early campaigns run with the bare-bones Traveller rules as they existed circa 1976, when the GM had to create his own background setting:

RedBeardSean: Make me feel old. I had bought Traveller when it first appeared on the market. *sigh* Wheel me back to the Home when we're done, 'kay?

Fast Eddie was right about Firefly. All the characters from the Firefly verse could be transplanted into the Traveller verse without missing a heartbeat. Just change the Reavers into the Vargr, the Alliance into the Imperium, and the Academy into a Secret Imperial Psionic project.
