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Archived Discussion Series / KousokuSentaiTurboranger

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Chris X: Since I'm watching this now, I'm noticing that like Dai Sentai Goggle Five, this show CAN use a bit more of explanation in sharing the Five-Man Band positions. Red and Blue Turbo seems to be just about right. Black Turbo might be right, though I'm seeing him more as The Lancer than The Smart Guy that he IS the subleader. The smartness, however, I'm beginning to question it with the presence of Pink Turbo. It's mentioned that she is the smartest girl in the school, well would she also double as The Smart Guy? Also, the more I see it, I'd say the official The Chick position goes Yellow Turbo, since... well I don't think he brought about variety other than him being The Heart (especially in episode 19). So... what do you think?

(By the way, thus far, I don't see why Shunsuke is the Plucky Comic Relief. Yohei seems to be the one who's usually the butt of joke and punishments. I may be wrong, though.)
