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Archived Discussion Main / YouAreTooLate

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Why did this change from "Thirty Five Minutes Ago" into "You Are Too Late"?

  • This troper would like to know as well. "Thirty-Five Minutes Ago" is much more meaningful than a simple, "You Are Too Late," especially since the latter quote is usually uttered by a Bond villain who is nowhere near as intelligent as Ozymandias, therefore is lying through his teeth in an inane attempt to make the hero quake in his boots. Invariably followed by the hero serving the villain his (donkey) on a platter and stopping the evil plan by way of really big explosion.
  • Plus, "Thirty-Five Mintues Ago" just sounds better.
  • I don't know...might have something to do with the fact that its a HUGE SPOILER.
  • And it's also a psge quote. Anyway the title doesn't give anything away in itself.
  • Red Wren: Simply to offer a compromise that is a little more obvious (which is my guess as to why it was changed), how about I Already Did It? ...I'm bad at forum threads, so I hope this is where this belongs.
