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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

It has been a very long time indeed since I saw "The Three Amigos," but I was under the impression that Martin Short's character WAS a fearsomely skilled quick-draw and trick-shot artist. I seem to recall a scene where he kills one or two of El Guapo's henchmen, then apologizes profusely and says something about always doing his own stunt and trick shot work.

Phartman: Yeah Ned Neiderlander is challenged to a quick draw by the German whom accused him of using trick photography. It turns out Ned really was that fast, but his protestation about the duel was that he didn't want to shoot at people. He didn't do any apologizing, though.

Morgan Wick: If true, sounds like something for I Know Kung Fu.

Scrounge: Does Dragonheart count? The villagers aren't exaclty peaceful, just too disheartened to fight.

ESchwenke: What about Army of Darkness?


Removing this here example: The Ewoks in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi are trained by the rebel detachment to set up Bamboo Technology traps, and manage to defeat "an entire legion of [the Empire's] best troops" guarding the shield generator.

Because the rebels didn't teach them to. They had those made beforehand.

dkellis: My bad. Been a long time (the days of Betamax, I believe) since I watched the movie.

Nornagest: Cut the following —

** Of course in an inversion of this trope often the forces being trained up are not the peaceful exploited peasants so much as the radical military they expect to take power, see the involvement of the US military and intelligence services with Pinochet's brutal military rule.
** Not to mention a certain fella you may have heard of called Osama bin Laden...
*** Note that they were the peaceful exploited peasants, to some extent. Until, well, you know... Actually, now I think about it, this is a bit off. Rather, the mujaheedin, and most other examples of The Revolution Will Not Be Civilized, are extremely nasty Deconstructions of this trope. accordance with the Rule Of Cautious Editing Judgment, and rewrote the parent to be a little more even-handed. I am not interested in demonizing any political groups via this site, and you shouldn't be either.
