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Archived Discussion Main / ThereIsNoTry

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.


Seth: I seriously doubt we can call star wars the Ur-Example. Lets just leave it as trope quote and name because i'm pretty sure this is older than that (I cant think of an example but i'm sure there is one, plus i dislike calling anything the Ur-example).

LO Rd: "Often accompanied by a reminder of what the Hero is fighting for, usually (but not always) framed in a way that insults either the Hero or the person/thing he is trying to save. This is done to get the Hero angry enough that he'll temporarily forget whatever mental hang-up is preventing him from getting this trick right."

Huh. Is that how most people interpreted Morpheus's classic "stop trying to hit me and hit me"? I always thought that it was a more Don't Think, Feel like thing—that the philosophy of the skill being taught relies on treating it as something as natural as breathing, as opposed to something that one must study.
