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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Ununnilium: Didn't Square One do this once?

Tabby: I think so, but I never saw the conclusion of that arc so I can't be sure that's what was going on.

Ununnilium: Yeah, me either. Curse you, wonky PBS schedule!

TJ Devil 02: I did. What happened was that the Math Netters were invited to a murder mystery weekend and took a wrong turn, thus putting them in a Ten Little Indians knock-off situation where six found-innocent-by-the-courts people are being punished by a former bailiff who is convinced they all cheated the system. The common link is that basic mathematics was all that was required to exonerate them. Not sure it fits here, though.

Twoflower: My friends and I usually call this one "We're still inside the game!" from the surprised declaration one of the characters uses once they figure it out. Or is that only for virtual reality style settings?

Ophicius: This is Training "Accident":
  • Used in an episode of Spooks involving a nerve gas attack on London - the characters themselves wonder out loud whether this is a continuation of a training exercise already going on or a real event, but can't tell without leaving their sealed headquarters (and getting gassed to death if it was real). Turns out it was part of the training exercise.
