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Archived Discussion Main / StandardSciFiSetting

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Standard Sci Fi Setting: From YKTTW

Meta Four: Too late I realize this could have been titled "Sctandard Sci Fi Scetting". Oh well.

anowack: Should Alpha Centauri really count as one of these? My memories are rusty, but for one, it definitely lacks Casual Interstellar Travel, being entirely set on one planet. There is a Proud Warrior Race Guy faction, but it's only one of many. The Planet's native inhabitants doesn't really fit the template of the genocidal alien threat (being much more Gaia's Vengeance than The Virus or Planet Looters), and the plot - to the extent that there is one - doesn't follow the outline laid out here. It's definitely different enough that it needs more than just "with the Proud Warrior Race Guys played by other humans" to justify it's inclusion, in my mind.

Large Blunt Object: Never played that, but from that it really doesn't sound like it fits. Pulling it.

Duckluck: I put it in there because it has psychic powers, precursor ruins, and terrible beings out to kill everyone lurking beneath the surface. We can definitely kill it though. We have enough examples that we don't need to scramble for borderline cases.

Later: Cut"

  • Humans will have AI technology that is far superior to the other faction's, no matter how inferior their ships are. "
because it doesn't actually fit with the examples.

In the defense of the space pirates bit, we're talking about humans. There are *going* to be pirates in some form, as well as a vast array of other criminals. That can pretty much be considered realistic.
