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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Moved from Self Fulfilling Prophecies Discussion.

fleb: I recreated the plural redirect, because this is one of those "ends in Y without a preceding vowel" nouns that need plural redirects.
The origin of this page is at Prophecy Twist Discussion

Robert: Does this wiki have any position on gender-neutral language and grammar? In this entry, I originally deliberately used the singular they, long used in such cases even by the best writers, but if that's insufficently formal for this wiki, so be it.

Looney Toons: There's no hard-and-fast rule on that here. I know that when I write or edit for the wiki, I use whatever proves to be the least confusing in the specific context in which I'm working.

Ununnilium: Singular they is A-OK.

Janitor: No firm rule, but using the forms "he/she", "his/her" (using both genders, with a slash) or "he or she", "his or her" just goops up the read without adding anything of importance. "They" only becomes a problem when it is murky as to whether it is being used as a singular pronoun or referring to a group. You know what really works well? Picking a gender and sticking with it. :-)

Morgan Wick: The more I think about this page the more I think it should be de-pluralified. I don't know of any other entry that's plural, except for things that always come in more than one.

Ununnilium: I agree.

That Other 1 Dude: why was that second page quote removed? I keep running into this one UT that keeps removing examples from Avatar for no reason or exlanation.

  • Mike: Looking at the history, it was cut for being too long. Its a good example, but it does take up a bit too much screen space at the top.
You know my personal disposition on prophecies of death is to do the stupidest possible thing given the prophecy. I.e. if you're fated to die in a car accident, just wade into freeway traffic and you should emerge unscatghed :D.

The Belgariad deserves a mention here. It has a self fulfilling prophecy where the prophecy is an intelligent non-corporal entity manipulating events so that it will come to pass.

fleb: Heh. @Mike: He was talking about a previous removal a looong time ago, that was apparently reversed, back when this page was titled Self-Fulfilling Prophecies.

arromdee: Deleted:

  • A disturbing number of US politicians have argued that there is no need to protect the environment because the world is ending soon. Uh, guys...

I can only ever recall one.

fleb: Good removal. Though one *is* still a disturbing number.
