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Archived Discussion Main / SarcasticDevotee

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Sarcastic Devotee: From YKTTW

That Other 1 Dude: Would Rattrap qualify?

  • Yes. To such a degree that this trope could easily be called "The Rattrap"

To the guy who added Jayne from Firefly to this page: Lolwut? Maybe you should rewatch Ariel...

  • Puck: It was kinda inevitable that Jayne would be tempted to try something at some point in the series, if only to resolve the "is he gonna do it?" tension, but when this is weighed against all the times he stands by the crew against overwhelming odds he is actually very loyal. It is also strongly implied that he tried to justify his betrayal of Simon and River in his own mind by not considering them part of the crew, so he could tell himself he wasn't actually betraying Mal.
