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Archived Discussion Main / Roguelike

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Pro-Mole: Taking out:

  • Most roguelikes have ASCII graphics; the player character is typically represented by an "@". A number of them have optional graphical tilesets, but by and large ASCII is still the standard.

Since it's not true in most of the examples of the list, and also, IMHO, not a characteristic of the genre itself, but a limitation of the first instances.

How is the Shin Megami Tensei series and Persona considered roguelikes again? Going by this list it doesn't have enough of the high value factors for it to be considered. Same deal with Diablo, which is a real time affair. I think those games are more like roguelikelikes. Like a roguelike, but far removed from Rogue. I think they should be removed from the list, and that their articles should just state their roguelike influences.
