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Archived Discussion Main / RoboSpeak

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Looney Toons: LTR, in the name of all that's holy, please please please take a fifth-grade English course. Learn how to spell and how to punctuate, dammit. I'm getting tired of fixing an average of one bonehead error per sentence from you. And adding the mandatory page elements like the navigation bar that Gus has gone out of his way to make easy for contributors to include. Just look at the history for this entry, for example. It's a good entry, but it was filled with incredibly basic errors. At the very least, write your new entries offline and run them through a spell-checker. Please. And might I suggest using the new Page Templates when creating an entry from now on?

Semiapies: Aren't Daleks really just cat-sized, tentacled living creatures in man-sized tanks? Presumably then, they're just echoing voice commands and their battle cries out through speakers for the Hell of it. ;)

Red Shoe: I recently read a very good argument that all the shouting the Daleks do is really just their version of an RDP ping, a sort of "headline" for a much more detailed report to follow in digital form.

Cute little theory to explain away Robo Speak, and imagine the fun you can have the next time you watch Doctor Who, imagining the Daleks going around shouting "YOU-VE GOT MAIL!" (Of couse, the fact that they also talk like this to non-Daleks is just because they enjoy it)

Robert: Another theory I've seen is that it's because the Daleks are still in the beta version; they killed Davros before he could finish designing them. He had they say everything they did to help debug their programming. They still do that because they believe themselves to be perfect; any change would be blasphemous.

There are quite a few other examples of Robo Speak that would make sense in lab prototypes, which many robots effectively are, but for most shows this would be an unsupported Retcon.

Red Shoe: Not a bad idea. Robo Speak as a sort of debugging message. (thinks)

Mad Scientist:
Hm. This robot isn't quite working the way I'd like. Let me stick in a couple of printfs to make it announce what it's planning.
Mad Scientist:

Ununnilium: In a super-extra nitpick, didn't one episode have the Doctor prevent Davros from dying, and established a branch of Dalek culture still obedient to him? They still Robo Spoke.

Master_Prichter: GlaDOS! Please include GlaDOS! She DOES show emotions at times, but for the most part she's emotionless.
