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Archived Discussion Main / ReversePsychology

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Ununnilium: Does a.) really need to be on this page? It seems like it could easily be lumped with something else.

Andyzero: Trope name reminds me of whenever people would get into an infinite loop. "Wait, we can't do that, that's what he's expecting us to do!" "Exactly, and if he knows that we know he's expecting it, actually doing it will be a surprise!" "Unless he is expecting us of expecting him of expecting us of doing it!" First example off the top of my mind was Data from Star Trek The Next Generation.

Ununnilium: Huh. I could've sworn we had a trope for that. (Personally, I always think of the Princess Bride example.)

Andyroid: If we don't, we could call it Thats What They Want Us To Think

Seven Seals: I'd go for Recursive Psychology, but that's perhaps too geeky.

Ununnilium: Works for me.

Later: Wow, forgot all about this. So, splitting off A? (The other thing we were talking about is now I Know You Know I Know.)

Seth: I say split of 'a)' into "Why Did You Even Bother Asking For Directions"

Ralff: Sorry to interrupt your discussion, but I added a video game example. I'm not sure if it really fits the trope, but I couldn't find any other trope to put it in.
