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Red Haired Stepchild launched as Red Headed Stepchild Discussion: From YKTTW

Working Title: Red Haired Stepchild: From YKTTW

Silent Hunter: Should have indexed this myself- sorry.

Fast Eddie: Damn. I never knew "ginger" was slang for "gay", and I lived for five years in London, with red hair. Always thought it was the Ammurican accent that sent the ladies away.

In Britain, red-haired people dye their hair to avoid bullying.

joeyjojo: while this was a fact 20 years. i'll think that national taste has changed. stop me if i'm wrong.

Starscream: lol Britain, jealous much?

Meems: @joeyjojo: Not sure if readheads dying their hair to avoid bullying is that common, but bullying of redheads certainly persists today.

joeyjojo: Well that is true, but I think it’s blowing it out of magnitude a tad.

Johnny E: Also, British women dye their hair red all the time. Several shades of it, just not usually natural-looking ginger. And the fact that the description clearly describes the trope as originating in America suggests that the Atlantic gap isn't quite as clear-cut as described.

I can't tell if this page is supposed to be about actual stepchildren or just people with red hair. Clarification, anyone?
