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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Cassy: I get your point folks, but is every single use of modernist cinematic techniques, post-MTV, going to be condemned as MusicVideoSyndrome? I mean, it was originally MTV that borrowed these techniques from modernist movies, not the other way around (and, I would add, MTV doesn't have a modernist agenda or worldview unlike many of these movies). How do you differentiate between the MusicVideoSyndrome and a movie or TV show that simply happens to use modernist visual techniques, which a great many do very artfully and with genuine modernist plot elements? My point is, aren't you being unfair to some of these works? Back to the time MTV wasn't 'mainstream', people could do a modernist movie without being told it was a cheap copy of MTV effects. (I'm not in film studies or anything like that so if there's anyone who specializes in this, it would be nice to have his or her opinion).

Tal9922: I tend to agree. This trope is treated as something bad that must be stopped but I can't see how and why.

JohnADreams: I'm not really understanding what this trope is...from what I read it sounds like people are complaining about shows that use non-diegetic music (not heard by the characters but heard by the audience). Sometimes music fills a void with no dialogue (which CSI does a lot), and other times it helps add to the emotional impact of a scene (which Scrubs does a lot), and I wouldn't fault them for it, in fact I think it helps those shows. In any case the overall tone is way too negative IMO, TropesAreNotBad, right?

Idle Dandy: I don't mind the tone of the article being changed, but I don't want it cut. Using a lot of non-diegetic pop music to create mood is definitely a current stylistic trend. It can certainly be done well (Miami Vice) but it can also become a gimmick (Cold Case.)

Dae Khar El: This trope needs a total rewrite if it's not going to be cut. Currently it's a) very unclear what it is (I didn't understand what was meant until I read the examples), and b) portrayed as unambiguously a bad thing despite it not being a Subjective Trope. Cut the Complaining About Shows You Dont Like, explain what is meant in the trope (preferably without using words like "diegetic", that ordinary people have to look up on That Other Wiki), and this could make a decent trope page. It may need a better name...

Anonymous Mc Cartneyfan: did the rewrite. I was annoyed by the initial write-up myself (I'm the one who inserted the crack about keeping Music Video Syndrome but wiping out Beethoven), and I do not see this trope's practice as bad. If the trope is worth keeping, I hope what I did helps.

Fast Eddie: It certainly reads like a real article, now. Thanks, AMcCF. Dropping it from the cutlist.
