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Archived Discussion Main / LostAndFound

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Lost And Found: From YKTTW

jcdietz03: What are the rules for when stuff gets moved to the found section?

Maso Tey: My guess — which I emphasize is only a guess — is that they can be moved when no more suggestions are necessary. I.e., either one suggestion is obviously, unquestionably right, or the OP has stated it's "close enough."

Madrugada: That's when I move them, personally.

Dragon Quest Z: Can we make these folders, just so we can get to the other section more easily?

Document N: Probably not, but if someone did do it it'd be nice to also have some chronological sorting, even if they took the easy route and lumped everything before the current month into a single folder. And some bold text at the top emphasizing that the page is for users looking for tropes they've seen on the wiki at some point in the past, not something they just noticed in a show somewhere and want to know if we have (indexes/indeces and Google serve that function).

Nate The Great: The use of separate Lost and Found categories confuses me. We're supposed to cut and paste entire blocks to the bottom of the page? I'd prefer one massive new-to-old stack. Perhaps have folders for the category (character, plot, item, etc) of the sought-for trope, but keep it in one stack.

Document N: Without some kind of pruning, the categories will eventually be just as unmanageable as the full page was.

  • Maybe my search is failing me or it's one of those "The Character" things... but anyway, do we have the prototypical smarmy buttkisser character? Someone who gets to the top by kissing a lot of high powered ass while also mocking or belittling people he doesn't view as a threat. They tend to be a Corrupt Corporate Executive as well. Examples include Ben from Wayne's World and Kendall from the recent Adam Sandler film Bedtime Stories.
Yes-Man? —Document N
DA: Is anybody else having trouble posting? I've tried posting this one question a million times, and it never shows up. It won't even show after pruned to one sentence.

blackcat: I had trouble earlier today, I had to repost a couple of times and then it finally stuck.

Random Surfer: I've been having trouble for the past two days. I can make small edits replying but I can't post a new Lost item.

Webrunner: I had to remove one.. maybe it's hit some sort of size limit?

Citizen: The page was getting crazy huge, so I cut out all lost items below what was added exactly one month ago. Perhaps the found items deserve a similar pruning, but this is enough for me.
Ronka87: Congrats to Zadia! On the twelfth of November, 2009, at 03:44 AM, he or she made the 3000th edit to Lost And Found. Wiki Historical Moment!
