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Working Title: Le Film Artistique: From YKTTW

Steve The Pocket: Oh. God. What was that art film where the girl gets her eye stabbed out with a needle? It was referenced on that one episode of The Simpsons...

Bluetooth The Pirate: The famous one was a razor blade, in Un Chien Andalou.

Corwin08 : Lynch's films have been dissected so much than one minute of googling throws up detailed explanations for all of them. Inland Empire is a stream-of-consciousness showing the images the heroine remembers and thinks of while practicing adultery and fantasizing that her husband's gonna kill her and her lover. Mullholland Drive is simply telling the story of what you see, in a slightly mind-screwy way. Lost Highway tells its own story until the point the protagonist becomes crazy, and everything from the point he wakes up in the other body is a madness-induced hallucination, with some images from what actually happens to him appearing on screen. Lynch loves to tell very simple stories in absurdly complicated ways.
